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  1. Well, I did some testing by exporting my entire modlist into a .ckan file, then proceeded to delete my gamedata folder, validating my KSP install, then use CKAN to reinstall my entire modlist from the .ckan file. Still, same issue. I figured it was worth a shot. After looking around some more, I suddenly noticed something strange. Somehow I had two different versions of Universal storage at the same time... DOH! It turns out that Universal Storage and Universal storage 2 together, is a really bad idea. After removing one of them, everything is back to normal. I could have sworn I never installed Universal storage myself, but I guess I must have done so by accident when updating my mods. Fat fingers FTW!
  2. I was told to seek help on this thread. Hopefully someone here will be able to help solve this issue:
  3. Today I started getting these errors: [LOG 22:57:20.102] [TweakScale] WARNING: Part US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore has a Rogue Duplicated TweakScale! [LOG 22:57:20.240] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [US.1C10.Wedge.Quadcore] Universal Storage: QuadCore CKAN updated several mods (Including tweakscale) I noticed several of my saved crafts suddenly contained "unknown parts" I tried testing, rebuilding several crafts from the beginning and it seems like it's related to some of the USI parts where the tweakscale attributes are now applied twice. (The window with the tweakscale attributes is listed twice on the parts) Also tested on a brand new save. With same results. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cnbedb5r2qonsr0/KSP.log?dl=0
  4. Thank you very much for your help @Lisias in finding the culprit. It fixed it! Only thing now is it says it found 6 parts which failed a sanity check, but I assume that has already been looked in to and shouldn't cause any concern. I like that you are also going to mark the "TweakScaleMakingHistoryConfigs" as conflicting in CKAN, it would surely help preventing others from making the same mistake as I did. Thanks again
  5. I got 60 of this kind of error: [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part LiquidEngineKE-1 (Kerbodyne KE-1 "Mastodon" Liquid Fuel Engine) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0 After some research I figured it's because tweakscale attempts to apply itselt to a part and it fails. Question: Would it be possible to have tweakscale just skip over these parts instead? I know that would mean you would not be able to use tweakscale on these specific parts, but I am running with a large list of parts mods and would be perfectly fine to run without these. For good measure, here is a link to the full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8lvm90o07dy7dnr/KSP.log?dl=0
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