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  1. Disregard, bricked that account, add to tihs one
  2. Sorry, didn't notice It is quite literally circular. Apoapsis 27 184 000 m Periapsis 27 184 000 m Orbits just twice as far and a bit around Jool, which is almos6 times equatorial sizeg. Big forces. Solar heating replenishes.
  3. 1: Most orbits are circular 2: Tylo. Tylo gives it a lot of heat 3: A orbit can be circular. Its keeping oceans by being torn apart, cooking it. 4: Removing habitable planets gives no reason to go there
  4. If you stress a kerbal for long enough/ they're on the mission for like half their lifetime it just turns gray
  5. It's simple, stage the interstellar rocket. And waste trillions for a faster trip time
  6. Interstellar Rick-Radio. They should also help with... actual comms.
  7. Yeah, i thought about that. Maybe make it a little option that you can turn on. If you want to get those buffs and want to invest time, great! But if you don't it stays on idle. It should also scale with difficulty, where the buffs become less noticeable. For example, on normal it's a 1;1 ratio, and for hard it might be 1:2.
  8. Yeahh... they probably turned the graphics down a bit. That is still available but the form they show is closer to gameplay for most
  9. Not 100 percent idle of course. It would make colonies waaaay more unique. Buildings for entertainment would make booms of population and productivity (if your kerbals can relax on another world it brings tourists, ect.) at the downside of less focus on research so it debuffs research Buildings for construction do... construction. Their side effect would be a lowering of happiness, but an increase of rocket production, rover production, ect... Spaceports would be useful; maybe it'd be a requirement to launch rockets from, and gives a higher population rate, plus easier supply routes, at the cost of taking up resources. This makes it so that if you spam down refineries and other production/construction facilities, the bad parts kinda combine until it's just seen as a space sweatshop. If you spam down entertainment science slows to a standstill, spaceports will just kind of... suck up everyone's resources to do nothing. This discourages being lazy about colonies; if you do it right you get mostly good buffs to launch ships easier/cheaper and collect massive amounts of resources, if you do it wrong it affects everything badly. This has benefits for rockets, the better the colony, the more you can train a kerbal, thus giving upgrades across the board.
  10. This is just money added in at the start. Also, what about BEFORE colonies come around? You can't get hyperdodecahedronjebjccordingtoallknownlawsofaviationbeesshouldnotbeabletoflydatonium on Kerbin in large amounts. And massively nerfing as soon as you can get it from Moho just... won't work.
  11. They won't remove it most likely. Plus, science mode released. Exploration/story will need some form of resource. The stopgap isn't a stopgap if it stays. This serves a purpose for colonies. Before you get your resources imported from the Mun or something, or when you're in orbit only, you can not gain resources. Then you build rockets ect on the Mun. Anything launched from kerbin or the colony with the most colonists in that system will automatically use money with ability to use resources mid-late game. If it launches from somewhere like Dres or Eeloo with few people it uses resources. Also, if the Mun doesn't have x resource but Duna does, then it'll take a really long time for the shipment to come, so the money system makes sense in certain places. but resources others.
  12. The roadmap cites resource gathering after Debdeb is released. I'll imagine the colonies run on money until they make the switch, Seeing as this would be basically bricking colonies, they'll keep the antiquated system around, This will also probably be the case until e.g. you get a moon colony running.
  13. Ah damm. It would just be more useful to have different building then. Scrap all money efforts, just productivity. It's meant to be idle to a large extent, but at some point you just get a KSC on Rask or Ovin or Duna. Edit: it should just be a bit idle until you get notified that "You may now launch from (colony name)" or "Population Boom!"
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