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  1. Of course, I am not an analyst, but after reviewing the statistics from steamdb, I can note that despite the sharp decline of those playing this game, we have been seeing a fairly stable wave in recent days. Also, I note that the number of followers is growing, even after the release (most likely due to the expectation of a discount), which indirectly says that players still believe in the game. Yes, the game has problems, and I would say critical ones. But looking through the forum, I see some people writing "patch IMMEDIATELY". As for me, this release has already shown that it is better not to rush. Moreover, the community is looking for bugs quite well. Watching videos from YouTube, sometimes you are surprised by the ideas that come to the mind of the community (where bugs manifest themselves). To be honest, instead of looking at the numbers and saying online is falling, it's a disaster... It's better to sit back, maybe wait a couple more months before a really stable release, or six months or a year before a completely playable product, and now either enjoy the first part or other novelties, fortunately there are even interesting releases ... (or download a factorio mod for colonization of other planets, and arrange gigafactories wherever you can only see). Ahem, in short we only must waiting)
  2. It is always interesting to look at something familiar, and even say nostalgic, but, in a new version, with a new look, and perhaps even new principles. Previously, we looked at the Mun, built, crashed, built again and achieved "a small step for Kerbal...". Now, I hope, we will look with the same zeal at new horizons, new systems for colonization... I'm looking forward, even if I have to wait a little longer, version 1.0
  3. Ahem, interesting information. But still, it's probably not worth panicking now. There is not much time left before the release, let's see what will happen in the real game
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