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  1. Level 3 mission completed. I used an giant ISRU SSTO with only a specialized lander for Tylo. All 5 kerbals on the craft landed on Laythe, Vall, Pol and Bop. Jebediah did the planting of flags of those but it could be any of the other 3 base kerbals as they were in the same cockpit. Tylo only a hired kerbal Marvin landed and planted. Full youtube playlist of nearly the whole mission: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRwgjryDrro&list=PLnWZIgmJNhlXihkkThDAbd9G2oV57U-Uc - Which game versions did you use? I used the latest one which i believe is 1.12.5. - What mods did you use, if any? I had quite a few loaded. I used only stock parts. The only ones that impacted my game in any way are: BetterTimeWarpContinued, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Click Through Blocker, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Toolbar Controller, Waypoint manager. All of which only provide visual benefits apart from BetterTimeWarp. Note: I also opened the alt+f12 menu a few times but as you can see in the recordings I only used it to check in the console if any parts broke while landing. Never used any function that would alter the gameplay in any way.
  2. My trim has turned on and after a solid hour of looking for fixes nothing works. Tried alt+x obviously Tried looking in every single settings page nothing seems to work
  3. I brought along one too many Kerbal because of the autofill and only noticed over Tylo, they haven't done anything like plant a flag, as a matter of fact that was the first time they left the ship. So I just dumped them in orbit is that okay and I don't need to return them safely. edit: nvm I'm redoing the whole mission with a new craft
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