Basically the title. Elementary OS 8.1 (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS based). Nvidia GTX 1650, i5-11400H, 16gb ram, Acer Nitro 5. It was running fine with parts mods before, then I pressed ctrl alt f12 because I wanted to access the cheats menu, it led to some non graphical command line, I had to restart, and when I opened KSP it just didn't open or create any logs. I backed up my save, my mods, and I re installed stock KSP, and that doesn't start either. It just opens a window with an image of the desktop/windows of the desktop before opening, and it doesn't respond, and it doesn't get to the loading screen. I ran it with ./KSP.x86_64, and the only output in terminal is:
Set current directory to /home/(mynameiscensored)/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program
Found path: /home/(mynameiscensored)/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.x86_64
and then even after waiting 10-15 minutes, nothing happens in the window or terminal except for a few prompts asking if I want to force quit it because it is not responding.