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Everything posted by lordcomac

  1. Ah ha! Well, at least I'm not alone. Hasn't happened to me again, but I've only had six hours to play so far. Hitting the VAB in orbit is exactly what prompted me to make this post in the first place- I was actually suborbital... around the mun! Imagine my surprise when I saw the launchpad fly by.
  2. Well, a day later this problem appears to have resolved itself- I cannot recreate the issue. Very odd, but it's nice to get to play!
  3. I looked around and didn't see anyone else reporting this, so it might be my... meager hardware? When I launch any mission and move the camera around, a second kerbin land-mass appears vertically alongside my rocket. This happens anywhere I've gone- from sitting at the launch pad to orbiting the mun. It appears "static" but it's just the base- and as it moves by (or I move by it?) it will re-set itself. Eventually, I crash into one of the buildings as they move by destroying my rocket. The farthest I've made it so far is to mun orbit before hitting these phantom land, and I had to do that by flying from the map view so I wouldn't change the camrea angle. Alas, I forget and touch the camrea and boom- instant land. Werid, huh?
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