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Everything posted by Ambious

  1. I have an SSTO designed and saved, and when I try launching it (on any airstrip) the game just freezes and crashes. KSP Version: Operating System: Windows 11 Version 22621 CPU and GPU models: I9 9900K with a GTX 2080 and 32GB RAM Description of the bug. Expected Behavior: Clicking the "Launch" button, I expect to be transported to the airfield to launch / takeoff Observed Behavior: The game freezes and crashes A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window: community_fixes InterplanetaryCalc micro_engineer NoSeizureWarning SpaceWarp SpeedyStartup SplashScreenSkipper vessel_renamer Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) Logs: Here Craft JSON: Here EDIT: Turns out launching ANYTHING crashes the game for me at this point.
  2. When I try decoupling a lander from its mothership who are connected via docking adapters, whichever side is not the one on which I click "decouple" ends up shooting to the other direction with tons of phantom Δv https://i.imgur.com/WtpeQJl.mp4 KSP Version: (p.s. how do I embed videos?)
  3. So I was trying to get back from Duna to Kerbin, and the maneuver nodes didn't make sense. The only way I could get back to Kerbin according to those was to go prograde relative to Duna's orbit, which is of course wrong. This is how it looked: After I accelerated as the node suggested, it still looked like it would actually work: But as soon as I left Duna's SOI, the orbits corrected: (I instead made an educated guess on how much to accelerate in the correct direction (retrograde compared to the planet's orbit) and managed to get back to Kerbin, but this is obviously not expected behavior)
  4. I'll be honest I only tried it with the XL legs, but if I load a game with the craft in descent through the atmosphere, at least one (and sometimes more) of the legs just detach and fly off.
  5. Having this too, even saving the craft and reloading doesn't solve it. That craft is basically lost to me.
  6. Ok not exactly, but as I was launching a mission this weird flying spinning satellite being ridden by an orange suited Kerbonaut appeared next to my craft: I ignored it, and then - related or not - my rocket RUD'd about 30 seconds into flight. When I reverted it appeared again higher: And once again I RUD'd after about 30 seconds. I don't know if those are connected, but I thought it was weird.
  7. So I tried several different variations of this craft configuration and the same thing always happens: In all variations there are at least three stages. They all always attached with stack decouplers (or separators, same thing happens), and when I try to detach the 2nd and 3rd stage, it won't seperate - the two stages remain attached even though the engines fire and the fairings drop. First and second stage don't have an issue. I tried using structural trusses and moving the engines to another part and it still happened: And here's an example of how it looks post non-seperation: Here's a video demonstration: https://i.imgur.com/hUEeOrC.mp4 I did notice however that every once in a while 'jiggling' the craft will set the previous stage loose, but not always. I suspect it's a clipping issue. Anyone else experience this?
  8. This has been driving me nuts! Thanks for the workaround suggestion!
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