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  1. When i try to save the game, when i restart the game, I don't see the last save. Also tried to cancel old saves but nothing.
  2. Same. Maneuver node doesn't work for me. put SAS on maneuver point , did all steps correctly (start/stop burning with green checks) but after that, my orbit doesn't matches manouvrer orbit , and my ship keep fallen to Kerbin.
  3. Same. Maneuver node doesn't work for me. put SAS on maneuver point , did all steps correctly (start/stop burning with green checks) but after that, my orbit doesn't matches manouvrer orbit , and my ship keep fallen to Kerbin.
  4. Manouvrer planning doesn't work for me. I did all the indicated steps correctly start/stop burning with green checks, but after that, my orbit doesn't matches manouvrer orbit and my ship keep fallen to Kerbin. Tried to reload save with no success.
  5. Manouvrer planning doesn't work for me. I did all the indicated steps correctly start/stop burning also with green checks, but after that, my orbit doesn't matches manouvrer and my ship keep fallen to Kerbin. Tried to reload save with no success. Note: I have infinite fuel on
  6. - (infinite fuel on) Manouvrer node doesn't work well. I did all the indicated steps correctly ( green check ) but after that it doesn't tell me anything and fallen to Kerbin, tried to accelarate time and reload save with no success https://ibb.co/z6DnHwT - (infinite fuel on) Manouvrer node yellow line doesn't appear at all https://ibb.co/hLS2JzZ - (infinite fuel on) after a while the SAS controls don't respond manually with WASD, but in autopilot mode still works - when I separate my ship into 2 parts (1 empty container and 1 crewed pod) the camera doesn't center the crewed pod and I can't focus on it anymore (tried reloading save and changing camera mode with V ) - The Ship Tracking Center in the KSC is broken, I can't destroy ships
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