KSP Version: 10624168 - or
Operating System and version :Windows 10
CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant
Ryzen 9 5800X
ASUS Crosshair VIII DH
ASUS Strix RTX3090OC
Description of the bug.
Expected Behavior: PArts will not fall off craft after landing on the moon going EVA and switching back to craft.
Observed Behavior: All Parts fall off craft after landing on the moon going EVA and switching back to craft.
Steps to Replicate: I landed on the moon, the ship came to rest on its side. I go EVA and switch back and forth to craft a couple of times - then all attached parts fell off. The fuel tanks stayed together though
Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): reload saved game
A list of ALL mods: none
Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) You need to provide a way to send you screen shots by copy/past or upload - all I see is URL and I don't think I should need to start a photo account to submit bugs - submitting bugs should not require I do so much - please make bug submittals an in game feature