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  • About me
    Glorified Cat Herder (Software Project Manager)
  • Interests
    - Game/Software Development
    - Space Sciences

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  1. Anyone with the game can follow this path and open it in a text editor to get a planet's sim info (If you do it corrupts the file, but that's a quick fix by Verifying the integrity of game files in steam, saving the document with/without changes also breaks the game. #readonly): ...\KSP2_x64_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64\celestialbody_json_assets_all_b3b2adb239fb47f97cde0a1635bf3da4.bundle Since it's a BUNDLE file you can also use tools like AssetStudio.
  2. I'm looking for planet data right now in the game files and haven't found them yet, where can I export JSON files from? Edit: Found some planet information here in BUNDLE Files. You can open them with a text editor. Some information is Encrypted, but not most the planet characteristics I was looking for! There's evidence of two additional celestial bodies (My guess they were used for testing): Bis ["bodyDisplayName"] = "Bis", ["bodyDescription"] = "Another moon" Verda ["bodyDisplayName"] = "Verda", ["bodyDescription"] = "A quiet moon" File Path: ..\Kerbal Space Program 2\KSP2_x64_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64 I also found this: "AutoStrutTechRequired": "generalConstruction", "Hmmmmmmm.......hmmmm.......hmmm"
  3. "Modder's Gonna Mod" - Chris Adderley, Kerbal Space Program 2: Episode 6 - Early Access [6m50s]
  4. You must have missed Kerbal Space Program 2: Episode 6 - Early Access Intercept was very clear about their intentions of releasing an early access build in the spirit of KSP 1's Software Development Cycle. Even if it was different, Intercept never promised you'd get the same build, only that you would have the ability to play early access builds from now until the full release.
  5. This Bug is the same as this one here, even though it's not exclusive to the Mun: I've documented this bug on all Non-Atmospheric Bodies Workaround is maintaining an orbit with Periapsis greater than the Sea Level altitude over your desired planet/moon found in the RED column
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