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  1. It seems like the inspiration behind consolidating all the part details into one view was to minimize the amount of seeking for parts in the flight view or VAB and give more something of an overview. I do think it has quite a bit of potential, but the current implementation feels clunky and does not improve over the pinnable floating context menus from KSP1. If anything, I found it taking much longer to seek for individual parts in the Parts Manager and ended up right-clicking to select parts anyway. I think to maximize the Parts Manager's utility it could be used in tandem with floating context menus. My take on it would be to strip the details from the menu itself and make it a tree structure with single line elements, which allows for custom grouping of parts. Individual parts could be picked with a right-click, but groupings could potentially be picked and manipulated all at once too. Here's a rough concept I threw together (in Paint, so very very rough). This is just a potential direction - and there are plenty of details to work out that this mock-up doesn't cover: what should be used for default groupings and how should ungrouped parts be manipulated? Should groupings be limited by parts that have the same options (if not, how do we handle context menus)? Should the player be able to pin Parts Manager context menus to the main view (if so, then how do we handle it in conjunction with pinning or opening a context menu for an individual part (either from the Parts Manager or the main view))? I have my own ideas on how each of those questions can be answered, but I think there are a variety of implementations that could work, so personal preference and impact on usabilty come into play. https://imgur.com/a/ARSqse8
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