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Everything posted by LeroyJenkins

  1. as in the link didn't work. Or you haven't heard from her yet?
  2. https://discord.com/channels/603643254759489555/763733111212343336 Myself and another person posted on that forum to her, that you are trying to get a hold of her about her mod.
  3. @Scarecrow71 I've talked to Natalia on Discord, on the SpaceDock.info forum.
  4. @munix. I gave it a shot with the link to the combined version you provided, and tried installing an easy mod (UI scaler) and it worked nicely. Thank you very much.
  5. @RayneCloud the link you have for "Sticky Orbit Markers" has been deprecated and that mod is now included in 'Community Fixes for KSP 2' - https://spacedock.info/mod/3301/Community Fixes. Just a friendly FYI.
  6. This is a total NOOB question. I just came over from the dark side (xbox console) to PC for KSP2. Never applied mods on a PC game yet. Can someone give a brief explanation on why there are two Mod Install managers (BepInEx and SpaceWarp). And why some modS are now saying that you need BepInEx as part of SpaceWarp. Before I dive into installing mods, I'd like to understand this. Before I blow something up by making a mistake. Though that is the Kerbin way.... Thanks in advance.
  7. Once I figured out that the DEL key puts the RCS into Docking mode, it was much easier. There is not any button on the UI that does this or shows docking alignment (KSP1 did). I agree with @JoeSchmuckatelli there is a KSP1 tutorial on rendezvous and youtube videos, works much the same way as KSP1. Good Luck.
  8. Once again the intrepid Kerbonauts just can't say no to an adventure, no matter how dangerous it may be. They attempted to land on Kerbol. At night of course so they don't burn up. In bound to Kerbpeapsis, and is it getting big..and warm. "Just got to make it around to the night side and we'll be good" our fearless explorers stated with a tone of conviction in their voices. Amazed at Kerbol's undulating convection layer (yes it really was moving), Jeb Kerman (Pilot) decided to have his lunch of Hot Kerb-dogs, nicely roasted by the Chromosphere. Landing struts deployed, flight approach aligned and stable. All GO for final touchdown. "Night side is just over the horizon" Floyd Kerman (Science Officer) exclaimed. 601km Altitude and 90,000 m/s approach velocity. Nothing our Kerbonauts can't handle. Lower stage spent, so Bob Kerman (Engineer) detached it for an easy entry with the heat shield. Bob always likes to press buttons. At 100,000km, Mission control received an abrupt LOS (loss of signal) indication from the Kerbol Landing expedition. Investigation is still on going, though early speculation says that if one is traveling 100,000 m/s it only takes 1 second to reach the ground from 100km. Which is very little time for the drag chutes to deploy. Mission planners are now stating that beyond the 12,000m/s dV needed to get into Kerbol orbit and SOI capture, the Kerbonauts would need an additional 100,000m/s of dV to slow down enough to safely land on Kerbol..... still at night of course, hate to burn up during the day. Werner Von Kerman is at the drawing board designing a spacecraft with the needed dV.......to be continued......
  9. @lemon cup , There does not seem to be digital read out of atmospheric pressure. I agree that would be good to have. There is the Atm. Pressure analog gauge (lower right hand corner of the NAV ball) with the three shaded blue areas and rocket ship indicator. It did go to the bottom when I went through Jool's atmosphere, however this indicator is very relative, not an absolute value. They need to put a digital read out on this like they have for the altitude and airspeed, showing current pressure and rate of change. I do know that in KSP2 EA the heat friction is not yet turned on, but I could hear the air flow over my capsule as I decided and my airspeed was dropping as the atmosphere pressure went up as I descended (without air-brakes or chute). As a KSP1 veteran (xbox), I knew attempting to land in Jool in KSP1 is nearly impossible, so I took advantage of the KSP2 EA state of dev, with heat friction turned off, to see what would happen. And found that there is something below the clouds. I intend to go back with a ROV or rocket plane and try to explore the surface. Never know what kind of Easter Egg may be there. Who knows maybe its like the hidden dot in Adventure and the Devs names are emblazoned on the surface somewhere, alla, Warren Robientt style. I encourage my fellow Kerbonauts to help explore this vast world to see if there is anything there. We do this "Not because it is hard, but because we can" --- JFK
  10. For the sake of exploration - wanted to see what was IN Jool. One way trip. Great sacrifices were accepted by the brave Kerbinauts. They will be forever immortalized here. Leaving Kerbin orbit. All gassed up for the long haul. Made it into Jool descent...finally. Next time I need to bring more snacks. Yep, needed to get rid of all extra weight once all fuel expended to slow down. But was it really necessary to let go of my parachute..... My God, its full of stars! Oh wait wrong quote. Land Ho!, yep that's better. There does seem to be a surface on Jool. Unfortunately at 224m going 68.2m/s and no way to slow down the rest of the way, the landing was abrupt. Very abrupt. So not sure if EVA was possible or not. Will have to find more Kerbal volunteers and try again. One now can ask, could a Joolovian rover circumnavigation expedition be possible? And what could be lurking in the the sulfur mists of Jool's surface. Could it be the Kraken's nesting area, location of a secret alien base or vast rocky expanses perfect for Kerbal colonization?????
  11. Thank you @RayneCloud for sharing your insight on that technology. As I am not in that industry it was very helpful to understand what those are, and what it possibly could bring to KSP2. I really liked the Unity Terrain video, I can imagine the potential with such a detailed environment on different worlds to explore. It could take KSP2 beyond just "Build a rocket and fly to a destination" but expand the science exploration and resource gathering to new levels. Thank you.
  12. @Sirtrancealot What is that in your last pic? The golden coin grass meadows of Kerbin? I know money doesn't grow on trees, I just never thought of looking for it in the grass......
  13. This is purely for visual enhancement, something for the future. The runway lighting has a VASI-2 approach lights already which is cool. However, the line of white lights leading up to the the threshold lights should strobe towards the end of the runway, which aids the pilot on direction of approach. Also the PAPI is missing, which would help with landings (Glide slope). One last thing to polish it off, taxiway center lines should be present and green. Just a fun suggestion.
  14. I am seeing similar. My main monitor is set to 4K 4096x2160 (HDR), but the highest resolution in the games setting I can set is 3840x2160. I'll try editing the ScreenResultion Property, but don't have high hopes. Not sure if the comment that Unity only allows 16:9 or not. Any one confirm that? Thanks. Version Info: OS: Windows 11 (10.0.22621) 64bit CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (32) RAM: 130992 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (24340MB) SM: 50 (Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1])
  15. HA! I know what you mean. I've been building a new heat shield for my GPUs for when KSP2 turns on the re-entry atmospherics. Though I am not sure if it'll be enough. What do you think?
  16. Hopefully the GTX1060 didn't look like this after....
  17. @justinroboI believe it is as in Circumnavigation. Safe driving!
  18. Thanks @Speeding Mullet I laughed good and long at the "one way trip expression". So apropros. I agree, no more ragdolls in KSP2.
  19. @Moon - There are some video interviews where they talk about already using game features like "colonies" but its not ready for release. In Nate's patch 1 update, he did state they are also concurrently working on patch 2 already. So this would imply EA and patch 1 are cut down version of what's being built but not yet passed by IG QA/Testers for release even in EA versions. I don't get the sense that IG devs are working on this in a serial fashion, nor just releasing whatever they have. I think as they get their feet underneath them, more and more comms will come out to the community on how this will all unfold. This is just how I am reading into the info that's out there. Others may see it differently. Let's just hope PD or IG is not bankrolled by SVB....
  20. Love the top most Kerbal's facial expression. It's like "eh? what are you doing to us?!" LMAO
  21. Primary(+) Completed! Landed On Minmus and Returned to Kerbin (Power Landing). Basic LV and Surface lander ready for the Rover build next. Slight inclination landing spot, but looks like I got good clearance for an underbelly mounted Rover (bigg'n too) Naw, Dilrod Kerman not nervous at all.....EVA suit needs a cleaning I think. Nothing like a power landing back on Kerbin, at night, in the woods. Even I messed my trousers this time. Now onto the next phase...
  22. @Nate Simpson and @Dakota - Thank you for the great updates today. Please pass on a big thank you to the whole IG team for staying focused on the first patch. I think if it slips a bit to ensure quality, the community will understand, as long as it is communicated before Thursday. Open and frequent communication builds a stronger customer base than going dark. Just my suggestion. Here's to slaying the Kraken...
  23. Nice to meet you @thewhitemetroid. There are so many Launch Vehicle companies now, and all are looking for good technical people. Pressure Vessels are definitely a part of a rocket. Never know what could happen if you apply. Plus its always fun to be able to reply to the statement "Its not rocket science" when you can say "Well yes it is. I'd know cause I am one" . I've seen a rocket blow up off the launch pad.... The Kraken is REAL!"
  24. Welcome Fellow Kerbanaut. Please share some photos or description of what's going wrong / happening and what you are trying to do. We'll help if we can. Also, are you in KSP1 or KSP2.
  25. Ha...well its really from this Leroy Jenkins. Felt it was representative of the Kerbals and the Kraken. Just charging forward, launching stuff and hoping for the best while watching it all implode. LOL
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