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Everything posted by FlyPathic

  1. Revive just so people know that starship is existing.
  2. Definitely will add that to my rocket. Soon landing on that launchpad with it will be a piece of cake
  3. So, the reason that they are cargo bays are because when I used fuel tanks, it wouldn't get off the launch pad as it was too heavy. If you are talking about the grid fins, I'm not sure about making that curved, because it would make it more fast having less wind resistance hence, the game likes to bug out at high speed, but you are welcome to change those fins at any time lol. Thanks for the feedback as well, once actual gridfins get implemented into the game, I'll be sure to update this, I realize that a lot of people probably use this so I may add a modded version on top of the vanilla version as well if I don't see grid fins and starship stuff getting added to the vanilla version of the game.
  4. I may update this again for realistic colors/patterns and I may make a modded version with the grid fins.
  5. Thanks for the feedback, glad it works for you!
  6. If anyone wants a pre-built starship, you can use the one I made!
  7. That's funny! Didn't know that would become a weekly challenge lol!
  8. I may need to update the design to have more monopropellant, make sure the RCS is disabled for atmosphere and enabled for space. Also thanks for the feedback! Thanks for the feedback! Glad you are able to land it. PS: This was designed to land in water and lower gravity planets.
  9. It shouldn't be that heavy on the computer, is your settings on low?
  10. Hope ya'll like the full starship update!
  11. Thanks for the review, my Super Heavy rocket is currently being made as we speak, and the full set will hopefully be able to take you anywhere.
  12. So, I'd say it runs pretty decently. Even the best GPUs will not run over 40 FPS in the launch stations, but I get about 20 FPS at first and it is smooth gameplay the rest of the time whilst in space. My full specs are currently: RTX 3050(4GB) Laptop 8GB Ram Intel Core i5-12450H This was a pretty expensive laptop, but I do suggest you get a 3060(6-16GB) for good performance along with a 11th-12th gen i5 or i7. Aswell as 16GB of ram, although I have order 64GB. @ondrafialkaThe game is also in Early Access so it should perform better once the updates roll out, also get some performance mods.
  13. Looks a bit mossy, but how could that be? It has no atmosphere.
  14. I would love to hear the feedback from everyone who tests this rocket out. Much would be appreciated!
  15. I have done a lot of trial and error to make this rocket work, but now I have finally created the second stage for the full starship rocket. I have tested this in an orbital flight, and it works flawlessly, it is very light on the computer (what I mean is that it gives the normal KSP2 FPS) and it can also land perfectly! (Have only tried a water landing). This has enough Dv to get all the way to Duna! This rocket was referenced from Starship SN10. THIS WAS TESTED WITH JOINT_RIGIDITY: 1500000.0 Craft files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19pS-SCzZqfchSv5mXkuQy2EhPk4Wxjap?usp=share_link Front View: Bottom View: Gallery Link: https://imgur.com/gallery/4ZcbU3W Update 1: Added RCS Thrusters for easier mobility. Update 2: Added the Super Heavy boosters making this a full starship. (16 boosters because 33 broke the game's physics) Update 3: Added grid fins.
  16. I haven't checked much on VRAM (As I only have 4GB of it) but I have a 3050 and the VAB runs the smoothest, smoother than any other part of the game. I'd assume the developers did not optimize the VAB to use less VRAM. I'd say I was getting over 60 FPS in the VAB, so I say that this game being next gen and very graphical, should be using tons of VRAM. Although 24GB does seem like a lot of usage.
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