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Everything posted by chair

  1. There should be a way to turn down the sun Glare in the VAB Some examples
  2. love the new theme! my eyes thank you
  3. that's good to know and I also think a mix of both would be good, just depend on what it is
  4. if the modding community make's all the features we don't have yet will the devs still add them in or improve on what the modders did?
  5. i agree to but at the same time we cant have everything Procedural otherwise we wouldn't have to many parts ( like Juno: New Origins ) so i think its good that we have wings now and solar panels on the way for Procedural parts and hopefully other parts that could be turned into Procedural parts that can cut down on performance or part count and for specific applications i think that would be good to have certain parts for certain jobs but were gonna have to wait and see!
  6. its just a little detail to use once first person or IVA is in the game have your camera bob with the head while walking, flying , landing and etc and if people wouldn't like this setting on they could click a little button in the settings to turn it off or have a slider to change how much head bob there is
  7. this is a suggestion for the multiplayer update or any update it will allow you to Customize your own kerbal hair or hair color facial hair like beards or mustache's etc space suits selection (like ksp1) And custom accessories like hats, glasses and other stuff that will make sense when a kerbal is wearing a space suit or not and possibly suit patches? like the final approach suit patches in ksp1 like and example a arm patch for a mun / min / duna / jool you know type of mission you could also use custom suit patches like flags or just stick with stock
  8. Im not sure if its the 4 engine plums that are causing it or something else and the fuel lines are not currently working for me. not sure if anyone else has come across this problem plus after the R.A.P.I.E.R. test there another bug about the engine working, but not working during time warp (using fuel but going know where) and the camera separating from the ship but i would stick to the fuel lines, camera, and R.A.P.I.E.R. if these are going to be fixed \/ video demo
  9. something that might be useful in the science colonies or interstellar update where you might not be able to make 5000 part crafts or base's so you would have 1 truss or panel that fits your length, instead of 50 parts to fit in that one area if you know what i mean the trusses could be extended only length wise and not increase in size or height, but have different sizes like you do now, xs, sm, md, lg and xl other post https://imgur.com/gallery/Vro8FA6
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