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  1. I think, you ran out of electricity. You can rotate your vessel with the engine, and if it has an alternator, you can generate electricity at the same time, or at the next time, put on some batteries, or turn off SAS always, when not needed..
  2. If you know, where the Sun was at launch and by which angle your solar panels were off from the ideal position, when reaching equatorial orbit, you can calculate how many hours earlier or later in the day you have to launch to get into the right position. The Earth rotates with 15 degrees per hour. Launching into a polar orbit would be fine too, if you launch at sunrise or sunset.
  3. The same here. The workaround works. But for new visitors it's a problem, because they see the unformatted page, which is useless. I could only find the solution, because I knew, that this thread exists, and if there is a solution, it will stay here, and I found a way to navigate to here.
  4. This sounds almost like myself 2 years ago.
  5. Looking at your orbital parameters, it should be Satellite 4, because it has the longest orbital period compared to the other ones, which are more similar to each other.
  6. How far away was your impact? What was in the text at the moment of impact (impact energy, reductions, or that the experiment couldn't record science)?
  7. I just drop my picture to here Image Upload & Meme Generation | Imgur Then I wait, until the message comes "Upload complete". Then right-click on the image and choose "Copy image link". Then click on the button "Insert image from URL" below the post, paste the link, and it works. If I click too fast on the image to copy the link, then it gets a wrong link, but it's obvious, when I paste it, it starts with "blob:". My only issue with Imgur is, it doesn't work under Opera in private mode, like I surf normally, I have to use it with Edge.
  8. Don't worry. Before my first Eve mission I did only a Mun fly-by and a short visit outside of Kerbin SOI, and didn't land anywhere else than on Kerbin.
  9. In that case, they are most likely broken. What you could try is, to deploy them slowly, maybe the force on them is too high, if they are deployed instantly to 90 degrees.
  10. I can't imagine at a plane of that size, but the symptom is like, you wouldn't have enough power generation/EC storage to operate all of them at the same time.
  11. I beated Laythe for the third time. The first one was of course on my Jool 5 mission, the second one was in December during the preparation for my next mission, but unfortunately, that vessel wasn't capable to complete the whole mission, so I had to change the mission plan and almost completely redesign the spacecraft. I hope, this one will be better, because I spent too much time on Laythe everytime.
  12. Did you set the gliding coefficient in the cheat menu to 1 during the tests? The best way to eliminate this type of issue is, to start the test flight from orbit, but it takes longer. But there will be always a risk of undetected structural issues, if you change the structure of your vessels during the mission.
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