I am trying to run this on Linux but I keep getting an error message whenever I try to start it.
Here is the error:
MathWorks::System::IUserException in WebControllerFactory::create(): [Error using matlab.internal.cef.webwindow
MATLABWindow application failed to launch. Unable to launch the MATLABWindow application. The exit code was: 127
Error in matlab.internal.webwindow/createImplementation (line 315)
Error in matlab.internal.webwindow (line 163)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.controller.platformhost.CEFFigurePlatformHost/createView (line 65)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.controller.FigureController/createView (line 500)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.componentframework.WebComponentController/add (line 87)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebCanvasContainerController/add (line 43)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.componentframework.WebControllerFactory/create (line 94)
Error in projectMain (line 43)]
Any idea what might be causing this or what I might be able to do to solve this issue?