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Everything posted by miege

  1. I am pretty sure it is considered XS because of it's attachement point radius, cause the base plate of the antenna is the same size as XS Parts. I was confused by this at first, too.
  2. There's a subtitle option in the settings, have you tried it?
  3. Version My vessel is in orbit around minmus, but orbit lines don't show. My PE an AP are both around 16km. When I toggle the landing gear, my Periapsis suddenly dropped to -2km. I can do this repeatedly, each time the periapsis drops several kilometers. My Vessel is quite lightweight:
  4. Version Windows 10 AMD Ryzen 7 5800X NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
  5. I've just checked: The Space Shuttle Landing runway at Cape Kennedy also has designators like any other runway: https://www.google.de/maps/search/cape+kennedy+cape+canaveral/@28.5981983,-80.6835291,501m/data=!3m1!1e3 Since one of the main goals for KSP is to teach (Space-)flight stuff, I think this would be a nice addition.
  6. I was doing the minmus challenge today after the patch was released and I was happy to see that many game-breaking bugs have been resolved. Up until the landing on minmus, everything went really smooth but after that things went downhill. Major issues I faced included: - when going on EVA, the vessel experiences a physics impulse. Without SAS on the vessel flipped over one time and I almost became stranded on Minmus. My lander is pretty lightweight, MK1 Command pod, shortest fuel tank, MK1 landing struts, Terrier Engine and a Parachute... - after launching from minmus, my trajectory lines disappeared - orbit was constantly altering, when timewarp was 1x. I then did a circularization burn, did a quicksave and quickload to see if that would fix the orbit lines, but after the quickload I was on a suborbital trajectory again. Even restarting the game had no effect and then also my last maneuver wasn't saved. I've also noticed some minor issues in the VAB: - you can de-select the "one-way" option in the trip planner, so no option is selected, which shouldn't be possible for a combo-box. - when copy-pasting a fueltank, engine and decoupler with Alt-Left-Click, there is no engine shroud and the engine and decoupler remain on the same stages as their template parts respectively, even though that's usually not desired. Here is my savegame:
  7. In aviation, runways are labelled after their heading, rounded to the nearest 10 degrees and the last digit omitted. Since the runways in KSP are pointing East/West, they should be labelled 09 L / 27 R and 09 R / 27 L respectively. Also, it would be nice if you could choose to launch at either end. I understand that you usually want to start east as it is more efficient, but there are enough players who build airplanes that are not capable of going to orbit and might find this feature useful. (Plus, it is more realistic...) Berlin Tempelhof is an example of a real-life airport with the same runway configuration. Granted, it is closed permanently but you can still see the runway designators on google maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/FCG4%2BG5,+Berlin/@52.4734484,13.4022516,1171m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47a84e373f035901:0xf5fae603f863c603!8m2!3d52.4763125!4d13.4054375
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