I was doing the minmus challenge today after the patch was released and I was happy to see that many game-breaking bugs have been resolved.
Up until the landing on minmus, everything went really smooth but after that things went downhill.
Major issues I faced included:
- when going on EVA, the vessel experiences a physics impulse. Without SAS on the vessel flipped over one time and I almost became stranded on Minmus. My lander is pretty lightweight, MK1 Command pod, shortest fuel tank, MK1 landing struts, Terrier Engine and a Parachute...
- after launching from minmus, my trajectory lines disappeared
- orbit was constantly altering, when timewarp was 1x.
I then did a circularization burn, did a quicksave and quickload to see if that would fix the orbit lines, but after the quickload I was on a suborbital trajectory again.
Even restarting the game had no effect and then also my last maneuver wasn't saved.
I've also noticed some minor issues in the VAB:
- you can de-select the "one-way" option in the trip planner, so no option is selected, which shouldn't be possible for a combo-box.
- when copy-pasting a fueltank, engine and decoupler with Alt-Left-Click, there is no engine shroud and the engine and decoupler remain on the same stages as their template parts respectively, even though that's usually not desired.
Here is my savegame: