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Everything posted by Nachtgeist789

  1. What forgotten design study did BDB's channel wall F-1 variant sprout from? I'm also getting some Soviet vibes from it.
  2. Excellent mod. This is a very underrated aspect of nuclear rocketry.
  3. The RS-X engine has captured my interest of all the proposed BDB parts (especially as something suggested to follow Voyager Mars, though timelines are obviously flexible on a voluntarily-made mod). I'm all for engines for the sake of engines but wondering how it would stand out from the roughly-equivalent E-1. Appreciably smaller size? Much lower mass to represent modern materials?
  4. Thank you for your reply re:Mariner Mk II Cobalt Wolf. I hope the thread enjoys this abhorrent little asteroid orbiter without any brain cells.
  5. Cobalt, I am asking because the thread-search was inconclusive. Are you and the team planning to add Mariner Mark II (CRAF) at some point in the future, whether KSP 1 or 2? I think they'd be an excellent complement to follow Pilgrim/Pioneer probes to outer planets.
  6. An underrated aspect of low-orbit spaceflight is keeping the lanes clear with proper disposal. Chariot 4 served the Kerbal Space Agency well with its dutiful Kerbolar observations, but was eventually outpaced by newer missions.
  7. Any chance we could get more resistojet thruster parts in that style? Maybe not as extensive as present Apollo RCS block family but single and double would be nice. Looking good!
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