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  1. Happens to me all the time. I think it actually affects the performance of the rockets, as they appear to be going off course in that direction everytime I try to launch anything, even without wings
  2. Ok, looks like it happens not only for docking ports but also payload bay nosecones (and likely much more parts)
  3. KSP Version: Operating System: Windows 11 CPU and GPU models: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Description of the bug: While in VAB and constructing a spacecraft I found a bug that causes the docking ports to randomly rotate or completely detach when a part is attached. It appears to be happening everytime you intentionally rotate the whole spacecraft a few times, and attach a part/attach the spacecraft to another one using workspace "Merge" button. Expected Behavior: Docking ports stay attached correctly after rotation of the whole spacecraft Observed Behavior: Docking ports rotate (e.g. 180*) or detach completely when a new part is attached or the spacecraft is attached to another one via workspace merging. Steps to Replicate: 1. Build a simple rocket 2. Save it as a workspace 3. Start a new spacecraft with a docking port 4. Save it as a workspace 5. Merge the two worspaces 6. Intentionally rotate the spacecraft using WSAD 7. Attach it to the rocket 8. Bam! The docking ports are now inverted. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): Rotate the docking port for the own need (is annoying with multiple docking ports)
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