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  1. There nothing service about your announcement. KSP 1 is dead. The developer left it for new games. I honestly think anti KSP 2 steam posters are KSP 1 mod developers and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt. Just the fact they keep posting this nonsense here and on steam to flood and trash up the boards with filth is enough to think there are some gears that aren't turning correctly. So to the rest of the posters, not sure why you would put up with it.
  2. VOLUME WARNING TURN DOWN .... fly thru parking garage high speed https://clips.twitch.tv/DifferentPlainYakinikuDBstyle-KcklBotGL5n1Zq9o
  3. Pardon my interuption of this salt mine...There were a lot of posts to go thru but it's a salt mine. I love this game and think it was a huge success. I'm not the type of player that goes out of my way to download mods. Sure there were bugs. And lots of them. I suggest just taking a break from the game if you feel bad about it. Otherwise check out my latest creation, the Monocopter. I want to turn it into a sling shot. Did I mention I love sandbox mode?
  4. Lol hello everyone, what's going on in here @Madishmike where is @Original Grahamster
  5. One of my first SUBMARINES learning the new game update got featured on by KSP 2!? Its not my favorite design but that's what this game is all about! Design and redesign! And thank you for making me feel special. haha The game is so fun and the challenges keep the ideas flowing.
  6. I've been tossing bombs from down town with no success but it's been great fun.
  7. Ralan Bros got them overpowered manuvers. rofl.
  8. I wasn't going to comment earlier but looking at the recent ones they didn't try to figure out what was wrong. I think the radial tanks when connected and touching each other causes the crazy wobble disconnect. More testing needs to be done to figure out whats going on exactly. Interesting as I never use the engine specific coupler.
  9. The current version of the game can handle 4 giant independant moving objects AND an airplane on the runway at 12 fps, without crashing! Its getting better.
  10. I find payloads to work exactly how they look. Put a decoupler on the inside, followed by your control probe. Pay attention to which way it decouples. As for the decoupler on docking port, you can use the specific size decoupler for the connecting docking port and it would appear asthetic again. You are probably better off putting the docking port in a fairing at the top of a craft.
  11. I hope to conquer jeb and val Edit: Jeb! I go faster lol
  12. @ralanboyleI have 1 mini Jet fuel tank with 1 nose cone in front of it hidden in the air intake. I've loaded the plane to KSP Builds if you would like to disect it! Under 'Harbor Crane v1' The only difference here is I've added air brakes and a single chute. But I can upload this specific build if needed! Take it apart and you'll see the mini tank with the nose cone. No nose cone makes the everything like 200 m/s slower. https://kspbuilds.com/build/Harbor-Crane-v1
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