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Everything posted by Falki

  1. It's a possibility for the long-term plan, yes.
  2. You're missing the top and bottom of the texture - see the light gray area just north and south of the mapped area. That happens when you're not at 90° inclination. You're somewhere between 80 - 85°. Adjust it and you should get to 95% which is needed to unlock the full 100%. No need to disable if you're at 100%, scans stop then. FPS optimization is planned in a future release. Small bodies are the problem. They have the same sized texture, but a larger area is processed on each scan because a larger part of the body is encompasing the scanning cone. Larger area = more CPU intensive.
  3. I believe the old configuration manager was removed on purpose. As you meantioned, the new one is integrated with the game's settings. So Settings -> Mods And yes, scaling is a bit off for resolutions higher than 1920:1080.
  4. Fixed a bug where unloaded vessels on game load weren't performing active scanning (map wasn't immediately updated) - reported by @bmcmahonwrx (forgot to add this to the changelog)
  5. v0.6.0 "There and Back Again" Added vessel markers, vessel names and geographic coordinates to the mapping UI Vessel markers are colored: gray: inactive/disabled red: invalid state yellow: suboptimal altitude green: ideal altitude white: complete Added UI toggles for vessel names, geo coords and overlay Overhauled visual styles of the controls to be more in line with the stock UI Added UI sounds for toggle and dropdown controls
  6. @Moon Goddess, I was thinking more about your wish to have regular Kerbals but just with random names. And of course it's possible, I don't know why I didn't think about this immediatelly. This mods pulls all its data from json files that define cultures, nations, names, skin presets. It's just a matter of tweaking them to get what you want. I've added an example of a new "KerbalsWithNames" culture, set the skin type to "Kerbal" and set a few nations from which the random name generator can pull names. And that's it. I've added this to "..\BepInEx\plugins\Humans\data\culture_presets.json": { "Name": "KerbalsWithNames", "PicturePath": "", "NationalityWeights": { "USA" : 100, "France" : 50, "Germany" : 50, "Great Britain" : 50, "Italy" : 50, }, "SkinColorTypeWeights": { "Kerbal" : 100 } } You can download the finished json file from this link and overwrite this file "..\BepInEx\plugins\Humans\data\culture_presets.json". When you enter a new campaign you'll be greeted with a culture select screen and you can select the "KerbalsWithNames" culture. If you're bothered with having real nations and flags, you can further tweak them inside nation_presets.json.
  7. It's not only compatible with For Science! but it also adds to it by creating experiments that are triggered when you map 25%, 50%, 75 and 100% of the body's surface. And you get science from them. Yes, you can uninstall the mod later and continue with your save normally.
  8. It's got a lot of nice things that aren't apparent at first glance. We recently talked about rebranding it to something else and refocus it on kerbal customizations. We'll see how that'll go
  9. Yes, you can use this mod for existing saves also. When you first enter the KSC scene, a "pick your culture" prompt will be shown.
  10. At the moment, no. If Kerbalkind culture is selected, then everything remains as it is, and then you can rename them individually if you want and set any other attribute. We might change this in the future.
  11. I was planning on doing exactly that, comparing pixels and calulating the difference. That's good insight that it might not be useful on a full map. Thanks for the tips!
  12. They are similar, but do not align 100%. "Biomes" are used to generate the terrain, but you don't see this info as a player anywhere outside of mods. "Regions" are used for science. In any case, Orbital Survey (the mod) switched to displaying Regions instead of Biomes so you can effectively forget about Biomes
  13. Glad you like it. Yes, I've got DIscoverables further along the road map: https://github.com/Falki-git/OrbitalSurvey/blob/dev/src/OrbitalSurvey/Notes/TODO.cs. A bit more elaborate than SCANsat does.
  14. v1.7.0 Fixes and Lat/Lon in decimal format Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Micro Engineer to stop refreshing values after docking vessels or targeting another vessel Added 2 new entries: Surface category: Latitude (dec): shows latitude, but in decimal format Longitude (dec): shows longitude, but in decimal format Note: new entries do not show in the active window by default. If you want them, add them via the Edit window (gear icon)
  15. Yes, it seems to sometimes happen after docking. I need to investigate the root cause.
  16. Did you solve thrust vector changing as well?
  17. Not yet, but I'm thinking of adding in a later update that bodies are pixelated in Map view: I don't see anything wrong with CKAN and Patch Manager. Just tried it and it installed normally. Be sure to have an up-to-date version of CKAN, there was a new version recently
  18. Thank you for the mod mention, means a lot! Got to say, this is a great update, I'm also having trouble putting it down. Story that comes with the Missions is very engaging. I feel now that there's a bright future ahead for KSP2!
  19. Yes, it does speed it up. Each antenna part behaves as a separate scanner, just as you would expect from real life. So having multiple satellites scanning at the same time means you'll finish quicker. And you can easily see that in the mapping GUI. Just enable scanning on both vessels and you'll see the map being updated at two different geographic coordinates at the same time. It'll become even clearer when vessel positions are added to the map. And I agree, adding more depth to the gameplay loop is a major point of mods. Stock game caters more for the average player that is just beginning to play the game, so it has to remain simple; people from Intercept Games have made that very clear many times. So it's up to modders to bring the complexity and replayability up. I wish it weren't the case, but I can certainly understand that approach.
  20. There's no more dropdown for selecting Visual or Region modes. Now each part has either a Visual or a Region scan. Pictures and videos in the first post aren't updated, sorry. Yesterday I updated the textual descriptions to depict this. 1. Yeah, I need to see not to do that. I think only Jool might be affected with being that big and having many moons. There's also the SOI to acount for. Gilly's SOI is so small that you're outside of it if you want to scan it with the Region scan 2. That's bugging me as well. Currently you can clearly see on part's descriptions what altitudes you need. Maybe it shouldn't be completely dynamic, but could fit in certain categories like you mentioned, "small bodies", "Kerbin-sized bodies", "gas giants" You're right, it's not, I'll add it Yes, I've planeed something like this. No, it definitelly doesn't need to be focused. Vessel doesn't need to be loaded at all. You can launch a vessel, enable scanning, then switch to another vessel to do something else.
  21. For Micro Engineer v1.6.1 dependencies are Space Warp 1.7.0 and UITK for KSP2 v2.4.1
  22. v0.5.0 "Region is where your heart is" Biomes are replaced by Regions With the For Science! update a new concept of Regions was introduced for science gathering that doesn't align with previously available Biomes To help with finding different Regions, previous Biome mapping is now replaced with Region mapping Maps have been refreshed; Regions for each body have hand picked colors to fit that body better. Discoverables are NOT displayed on Region maps If upgrading from a previous version, existing vessels, parts and gathered maps will be updated to the new scanning mode Legend that contains colors and keys for Region mapping is now visible on the mapping UI For the legend to be revealed you need to fully scan the body (Region mapping at 100%) If you don't want the legend, you can toggle it off in Settings -> Mods -> Orbital Survey -> Show Region legend NOTE: some Regions are quite rare on certain bodies so they could be considered spoilers. You've been warned! Toggle off the setting for the legend if you want a fully spoiler free playthrough v0.5.1 Chinese (Simplified) translation added by @fengyuan0529 Thanks, added the translations to the newest release! That's on my TODO list. BTW this is my TODO list if anyone's interested: https://github.com/Falki-git/OrbitalSurvey/blob/dev/src/OrbitalSurvey/Notes/TODO.cs
  23. It would. I'm interested in gathering feedback on these values as I haven't playtested them thorougly. But I'm also not happy with how the current system for Min/Ideal/Max altitudes behaves for large bodies (Jool, Eve) and for very small bodies (Gilly, Minmus...). Especially for very small bodies - since their radius is small and the Ideal altitude is always the same, that means that a large part of the body is covered by a single scan. That introduces performance issues during time warps because large arrays of data need to be processed for each scan. I have an idea of replacing fixed Min/Ideal/Max values with dynamically calculated values depending on the radius of the body. That means that each body would have a different Min/Ideal/Max altitude, but the scanning radius would be the same. Meaning for larger bodies you'd need to have a higher orbit and for smaller bodies a lower orbit. Scanning experience would be more consistent that way. And larger bodies, like Jool, could be more easily scanned since you wouldn't be constrained by scanning with a 1 pixel radius, since the current 750 km Ideal altitude for Jool means that you're very low in Jool's orbit and have a small FOV/radius because of that.
  24. No, there's no entry that shows that. 11.400 is Mun's AP/PE in relation to Kerbin. I also found that I wanted to see that; I'll need to see how to get it.
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