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  1. Strange thing is that I have also installed singularity and I even checked if it was compatible on CKAN. I'll list the dependances I downloaded and maybe see what I forgot. Singularity, kobernicus and ksp community fixes. I don't know what's going on. Even with dependences, both the worm hole and the black hole doesn't exist. Btw in case if you need to know, I am on windows 11.
  2. Here are screenshots of how both wormhole and the black hole look like zoomed in and out (they don't exist while zoomed in) Wormhole zoomed in: Wormhole zoomed out: Black hole zoomed in: Black hole zoomed out: Let me know if I also need to send screenshots of my logs. I don't really know what part of my logs to screenshot so yeah..
  3. Really cool mod but after I downloaded it, I noticed something weird on the tracking station. There was no wormhole and the black hole. Although they appear from far away, they don't when I zoom in closer. How do I fix this?
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