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Everything posted by computerpro

  1. a few of you are making comments about my craft that shows you didn't read very far into the post. the center of lift is behind the center of mass as you can see in the first picture i posted. i did move it further back and it flys great now. can you fly to the moon without rocket boosters, drop 48 missiles on it, fly back to earth with plenty of fuel and land on the runway? i don't think anyone here can master fuel efficiency the way i have tbh but if anyone wants to read the whole post and meet my challenge i would be interested in seeing your design.
  2. what a nice thing to say! thank you! yes, scale seems to bring benefits like fuel efficiency, speed and ordinance capacity, doesn't it? theres also a special benefit with my concept in that we use Momentum to bring us from the atmosphere to space to escape drag. all done with fuel efficient jet engines instead of boosters
  3. the ordinance is stored inside the bomb bays, you press number 3 to open the bomb bays. load it up try it out its fun! i started with fewer wings but to carry so much fuel and so much ordinance we need a lot of lift. why don't you load it up and see if you can design it better! i am very interested in seeing if you guys can improve my concept
  4. lolol yes my computer slows down too but its still playable, i think i need a faster computer
  5. hi everyone i finally made a good space ship it is a massive monster using the largest fuel tanks, 1 for each of the 4 stages it takes off from the runway, and uses no boosters but jet engines to achieve mach 3 at 11km high then we point the nose up 35 degrees and use the air to angle our massive momentum upwards to launch us into space at 22km high we release the jet engines then we use a stage and a half to circularize the orbit at 72km now we are in orbit with a large amount of fuel and ordinance! we fly to the moon, jettisoning the 3rd stage halfway there now we are flying the main section of the craft: we circularize the orbit on the moon at a low 7.5km then we jettison the ordinance! those conspiring moon peasants don't stand a chance! and we still have plenty of fuel to fly back to earth and land to find the runway i must stop using mechjeb and fly manually but this is impossible. the craft cant seem to fly well without mechjeb it gets into a dizzy spin very easily, especially when trying to yaw can anyone suggest an improvement to make the last stage easier to fly manually? or try it yourself! here are the files for the whole ship: https://mega.nz/folder/rDgzWS6K#edPu1HIaQlElNwJJwctNOQ thanks in advance guys!
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