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Everything posted by Ameoba

  1. Oh, btw the symptoms where the camera being underground and the game freezing, thanks for letting me know, ill tell my friend about this since he didnt take the files our of extras
  2. Its still not working, i installed Kopernicus expansion-er since it was the only one that seemed compatible Log: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wzxy0ckyzvdqmbn/KSP.log/file
  3. Nevermind, i have uploaded it to mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fl6zrqr1d0bo29m/KSP.log/file
  4. Oh right, ok ill post them here Lemme recreate the problem real quickly
  5. Stockalike Station Parts is killing my saves after i load up any craft with a part related to said mod, i downloaded it manually due to ckan taking too long to install it. My current mods are: re-stock Planetside exploration tech EVE+scatterer+spectra Mech-jeb Luna multiplayer BDAm (BD armoury multiplayer) and a few other dependencies please help
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