Apollo 11 (Part 1)
We're doing it this time, for real.
July 16th, 1969
13:15:00 UTC
7 Minute's from launch.
Last minute check's are completed, crew enters launch vehicle and the green light is lit.
Crew arm is moved as Mission Control get's ready for launch.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Ignition Sequence Start, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Lift'off, we have Lift-off, 32 minute's past the hour.
Tower cleared, roll program complete.
S-IC Sep, Skirt Sep, LES Sep.
S-II Sep, next stop the moon.
TLI Burn.
Docking to the LM
Lunar Capture Burn.
Eagle from Columbia, Minutes before descent burn.
Descent Burn, 22km from the lunar surface.
Picture taken by Aldrin, 60 seconds before contact.
6 Meters, 5 Meters, 4 Meters, 3 Meters, Engine Shutoff...
Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed.
Part 2 Coming Soon.