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  1. I like this mod, but when using RSS and RO (with the correct config files installed for SEP) the fuel tanks don't seem to hold as much fuel as they should. Both the superheavy and the upper stage only hold about 3000m/s of delta V, and they have TWRs that are wayy too high (first stage is 10.29, second is 5.26) which is a hint to me that they arent holding enough fuel. Since i'm using realism overhaul, i'm also using RealFuels, but it seems to work fine with other crafts. Also, the superheavy stage appears to have a dry mass of about 15 grams (0.00009 tons) and i have a sneaking suspicion that is incorrect. Other than SEP, RSS, RO, and all the required dependencies, I'm only using a few other mods which probably aren't conflicting (Restock, Kerbal engineer Redux, and mechjeb 2). I like this mod, but when using RSS and RO (with the correct config files installed for SEP) the fuel tanks don't seem to hold as much fuel as they should. Both the superheavy and the upper stage only hold about 3000m/s of delta V, and they have TWRs that are wayy too high (first stage is 10.29, second is 5.26) which is a hint to me that they arent holding enough fuel. Since i'm using realism overhaul, i'm also using RealFuels, but it seems to work fine with other crafts. Also, the superheavy stage appears to have a dry mass of about 15 grams (0.00009 tons) and i have a sneaking suspicion that is incorrect. Other than SEP, RSS, RO, and all the required dependencies, I'm only using a few other mods which probably aren't conflicting (Restock, Kerbal engineer Redux, and mechjeb 2). And, whenever I do launch the starship, the second stage engines seem to fail with the error message of there being vapor in the fuel lines. I've tried hotstaging which doesn't seem to fix the problem. Might be unrelated, but worth mentioning. Additionally the RCS thrusters do not work at all. I should also say that, when playing with no RSS or RO and using the default SEP config, everything works fine.
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