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  1. Is this the ksp.log you said? [StageInfo]:End of Stage 2 Mass. Start Mass: 974.0704 Fuel Mass Lost =196.3314 Final Mass 777.739 StageInfol: Interim DeltaV Calc. Stage:2 ThrustVector:(-46841.3.-6777.7.-57419.9)Simulation Time:28.322 Start Mass:777.739 End Mass:777.739 ISP:350 Thrust:74415.01ASLdV:0 VACdV:0 Actual dV:0 [StageInfo]:DeltaV Simulation All engines to stage next are deprived.Stage 2 LastTimestep=0 [StageInfo]: End of Stage 2 Mass. Start Mass:974.0704 Fuel Mass Lost =196.3314 Final Mass 777.739 StageInfoj: Final DeltaV Calc. Stage:2 Start Mass:974.0704 End Mass:777.739 ASL ISP:325 VAC ISP:350 Actual
  2. I installed this mod, and I put the Extras profile in my Game Data, but the vehicle didn't have the right mass of LOX and CH4, and the delta-v was wrong. Is there a way to solve this problem? (RSS/RO)
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