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Posts posted by TwoCalories

  1. 11 hours ago, Drethon said:

    Mixed opinion if I will keep using this or start building in game “sets” for some of this. I like the extra elements ChatGPT provides over what will be mostly bare bones parts in games, but ChatGPT does create some odd elements within the images.

    Personally, I like seeing the handmade sets ingame. They're very ingrained in KSP culture and no one would mind it being very bare or plain. That being said, it's interesting to see different ways people hand-craft interiors and figure out ways to design certain things, like furniture, little bits on a table, etc.

    Though I may be biased because I personally don't like ChatGPT.

  2. On 1/12/2025 at 8:31 PM, Mr. Kerbin said:

    Shouldn’t it be like 1965 or something?

    On 1/15/2025 at 4:25 PM, Kimera Industries said:

    I'm pretty sure this is an alternate history where space travel is delayed because of another war after WWII.

    I gave the time setting some thought and settled on the 80's because of different progression of technology and other world events on Kerbin. I'll flesh it out more in a future chapter.

    On 1/15/2025 at 5:08 AM, B0lt said:

    those are some really good looking pictures what tufx profile are you using.

    I'm using @Toaster355's custom TUFX profile. It's in one of his mission report threads somewhere.

  3. I did it!

    Chapter Three: The Race is On



    It's December 17th, 1985. Kerbals around get ready for whatever holiday they celebrate at this time, tensions between the West and the East continue to simmer, and the space race is starting to kick into high gear.

    News outlets all around the world had already stated the obvious: Vankadia announced they would attempt to land a Kerbal on the Mun by the year 1990. This received a mixed reaction internationally.  The short window left the Vankadian space agency less than a decade to accomplish this monumental feat. Many doubted they could do it, especially when Telosten's own agency, Kerbcosmos, was grabbing world firsts left and right. Only a couple of weeks ago, Kerbocosmos had a new achievement: a Telosteni Kerbonaut conducted an EVA for the very first time. The short extravehicular activity, which consisted of a couple minutes of the Kerbal hanging off the capsule's ladder, was still a massive feat. It showed that a properly built spacesuit could withstand the harsh conditions of space.

    Therefore, KASA made it their goal to conduct an EVA of their own, among other secondary objectives. They had already achieved an orbital launch, so the same vessel was used but with minor modifications (a probe core for control while the pilot is on EVA plus an extra battery pack, and different science kits).

    So, on the 17th, Pathfinder 4 was rolled out to the launchpad. The pilot would be Valentina Koch.





    PF4: We have liftoff!


    KSC: We have reached Max Q.

    PF4: The atmosphere's giving away to space now... It's as beautiful as I remember!


    PF4: Good separation. Orbital stage burning now.

    KSC: Confirmed, Pathfinder. You're on course for orbit.


    PF4: I'm past the atmosphere now, preparing for orbital insertion.

    KSC: Roger. Open the science bay and begin running the experiments.



    Orbital insertion.

    PF4: We have achieved orbit. Prepping for coast phase.

    KSC: Understood, Pathfinder. Val, you're up. Get ready for your EVA.


    Pathfinder 4 was placed specifically at an elliptical orbit so they could cross into Kerbin's radiation belt and also run experiments from space high above Kerbin. A minor issue was also beginning to come up with the vessel. Pathfinder 4's battery storage was running out faster than anticipated.


    "Okay, I'm suited up. Opening the hatch now..." -Valentina Koch


    Val opened the hatch and climbed out. As she held onto the ladder of the capsule, she stared around her through her tinted visor. Outside the capsule, Kerbin felt even closer and all that much more beautiful. She took a few seconds to collect herself before continuing the mission's objective. She took a breath and let go of the ladder.


    "Activating maneuvering system," Valentina reported. Reaching behind her, she unfolded two handles from her pack. Turning it on, she gave the joystick a small twist to the right. Jets of pressurized nitrogen puffed out of ports in her jetpack, pushing her to the side.

    "Copy, Val," the CAPCOM operator responded. "You've just made the first untethered EVA. How's the view up there?"

    "Absolutely stunning," she breathed.



    Though Vankadia couldn't seem to get their own world firsts, when they went to meet Telosten's achievements KASA always tried to go a little further. Today's mission, to stand up against Kerbcosmos's EVA, KASA conducted the first untethered EVA under the power of Val's Maneuvering Unit.

    However, there was already an issue starting to form. The probe core installed in the spacecraft was supposed to keep it steady with SAS while Valentina was on EVA, but I forgot that the Stayputnik doesn't have SAS the SAS function failed, likely from the radiation from being near Kerbin's radiation belt. Future vessels would need to be more hardened against radiation.


    Fortunately, this would only be a minor inconvenience for Val as she attempted to reboard.



    PF4: Kernaveral, we're approaching dangerously low levels of electricity.

    KSC: We're not even halfway to reentry. Damn it. Okay, switch to power saving mode. Even if all the EC is drained your suit can sustain you for the rest of the way.


    PF4: Battery is completely drained and we're approaching reentry!

    KSC: Roger. Jettison the SM. Reentry forces will reorient you in the right direction.


    Service Module is jettisoned.


    KSC: Pathfinder, plasma blackout will occur soon. Say status?

    PF4: I'm rocking around but we're slowly turning retrograde.

    KSC: Roger. Good luck.




    KSC: Communications are stable. Pathfinder 4, respond.

    PF4: This is Pathfinder 4. I'm seeing a good chute deployment. Coming over the planned landing area.

    KSC: Understood. The VNS Ike and her battlegroup are on station for recovery.



    PF4: Splashdown!

    KSC: Copy Pathfinder, we've confirmed you splashed down. Ike, recovery forces, you're clear to go.

    IKE: This is the aircraft carrier Ike. We're dispatching recover helicopters now.


    Pathfinder 4 achieved all their mission objectives, but the mission was riddled with problems that continued to appear throughout the flight. The SAS issue could be fixed easily, but the electricity shortage would have to be further researched. Aside from that, the mission yielded a large amount of science points which would be put toward researching new technology.


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