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  1. Hi thanks for getting back so quickly, I double checked, and I have installed the latest versions of Tweakscale, the Uberpaket, redistributable, and steal back my fuel. This is Ckan though, so to make sure, would that be up to date, as in, is it still being supported on Ckan? I know some mod authors have been having issues. I checked and steal back my fuel is activated, this doesn't seem to be the issue. I started a new sandbox save and the same issue persisted, made a quick craft with 2 FLT-800 fuel tanks, one of them scaled up to 2.5, fuel scales correctly, saved the craft, loaded the craft again in editor and the fuel is back down to the original amount. I wasn't quite sure which craft file to share, since there were three? This is one part of KSP I've never really messed with so I've just attached all three with the log file. The craft is just called 'test'. I do use quite a few mods and you're so right, a big bork like this would've been caught if it was an issue with the mod rather than my setup. Sort of weird though that its affecting the stock parts, if it is a mod compatibility issue. I'm not a modder myself so I'm hoping this is something dead obvious I've messed up so it's an easy fix, but lmk whenever you get the chance to take a look! KSP.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttov9d8735l7pi3/KSP.log?dl=0 Test.craft https://www.dropbox.com/s/cm8sp3bhkv46xlp/Test.craft?dl=0 Test.craft.original https://www.dropbox.com/s/spzyt4yfzzaikde/Test.craft.original?dl=0 Test.loadmeta https://www.dropbox.com/s/rpos6g23nbprrmd/Test.loadmeta?dl=0
  2. I tried using this, but I seem to have an issue with the ring textures. I don't think the ring textures are missing? Otherwise I assume it would be bright pink, but all I am getting are these see through ones, and the Urlum one is also just equatorial. Do you know why this might be? I just want them to look as pretty as in your screenshots : ( Thanks for your help and for keeping this alive! Some of us don't have the specs for astronomer's visual pack
  3. Hi! Apologies if there is an answer to this already, but I couldn't find my exact problem, even though the issue with radial fuel scaling is sort of similar. Basically when I rescale any of the stock fuel tanks, the fuel scales correctly, but when I save the craft in editor and load it again the part stays at the right size (although sometimes the connecting nodes are back at the original point) but the fuel is reset to the default value. Is this a known issue, or do you have any idea what could be causing this? I mostly use procedural fuel tanks so its not game breaking but it is quite annoying. Also doesn't affect batteries, only seems to be monopropellant and liq fuel/ox parts. thanks in advance for your time and help!
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