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Everything posted by InconspicuousKraken

  1. I found the pseudocode difficult to understand, but my bigger question is how gLimit effects performance compared to other aero settings, and how to configure missile steering realistically with the other settings like maxAoA and maxTorque if I have a specific G overload, weight, speed, etc in mind. Thanks! I wasn't quite sure where to look before.
  2. Yes. I wanted to help improve the wiki. Things like radarTimeout and gLimit aren't documented.
  3. Is there any place I could find a complete list of missile config parameters? It's frustrating when I keep encountering more that aren't documented. Is there a section in the mod code somewhere?
  4. With the new UseFuel option for missiles, is the way mass is calculated when DecoupleBoosters = True something like mass at end of boost/beginning of cruise phase = Launch mass - BoosterMass - BoostFuelMass? Or maybe Launch mass - (BoosterMass - BoostFuelMass)? Thanks! I'm trying to accurately model (as best I can) the S-300V's 9M83 and 9M82.
  5. Could you please add the ability to change what vessel data is being collected from after launch (so you could launch one vessel and then switch to another and record that one instead)? I'm tuning BDA missiles (that detach from the main vessel after launch) and it would be really helpful. Thanks!
  6. Hrm. Deleting this did clear up quite a few, but I still have 44 fatal errors. It looks like most have to do with SAR. Ksp.log
  7. KSP 1.12.3, Tweakscale I got 130 fatal errors. I tried removing the parts that caused them in my ksp.log, but some stock parts were still causing problems. I assume this is caused by another mod somehow breaking them? Here's my player.log
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