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Everything posted by alfrank

  1. A couple of times I was given the eject command but ended up going down the dotted golden escape path. I don't understand what the plot should look like when a successful transfer is laid in. Specifically, where should the dotted purple line be with respect to my maneuver node? Are they supposed to touch? And what about that golden escape spur? where should it be lying? I'd love to see a screen capture showing a successful setup. Thanks Scarecrow, A video wouldd be of great help.
  2. A couple of times I was given the eject command but ended up going down the dotted golden escape path. I don't understand what the plot should look like when a successful transfer is laid in. Specifically, where should the dotted purple line be with respect to my maneuver node? Are they supposed to touch? And what about that golden escape spur? where should it be lying? I'd love to see a screen capture showing a successful setup.
  3. Mere's my pre ejection burn setup. Should the navball be set to maneuver, stability assist or prograde?
  4. I pick insert image from url and paste in to Imgr link, but the pic won't post
  5. Ah, there we go. before executing the ejection burn, what mode should the navbal be set to - maneuver, stability assist or prograde before executing the ejection burn, what mode should the navbal be set to - maneuver, stability assist or prograde
  6. I cannot create a successful return orbit. I think I'm folloeing the instructions, but here's what I end up with what is the purple orbital line and how should it relate to the golden escape track? I assume the purple track is the new orbit as planned, but how do you merge that with the ship's orbit? Also with this setup I can't lower kerbin periapsis then about 2.000.000 m. Basically I'm rather confused. I'm trying to insert a screenshot but it isn't showing up.
  7. Specifically, why does the line of nodes (periapsis and apoapsis) rotate so that apo and peri have switched places I find this occurs when I'm trying to circularize an orbit and it's confusing me.
  8. I've successfully gotten to the moon and soft landed on it, but I'm having many problems with the return. Let's start with launching from the mun. The instructions say to pitch over on a heading of 90 degrees. But pitching over puts me on the wrong heading and yawing to 90 Degrees doesn't give me much horizontal velocity. I'm confused about how to do these seemingly contradictory things.
  9. I switched to camera view earlier and that helped. I then was able to make two sort of landings (came down resting on my side instead of upright). But, it's progress
  10. More than a few times I'm happily into my munar orbit descent burn and I'm down to 3-4 km from the surface (or so I'm led to believe) when suddenly, KABOOM! i explode into a million bits. Did I hit a mountain and if so, why didn't this show up in the altitude to surface? I might add, if I didn't hit a mountain, what the devil happened? I didn't make any control changes.
  11. I've installed mechjeb and it's in my games folder, but it's not showing up under pods.
  12. Thanks, all for these helpful suggestions. AlamoVampire,is mechjeb 2 compatible with ksp1? If not, where can I find the correct version?
  13. SO I can get myself into low munar orbit, so it's time to go for landing. A problem arises immediately-what is the initial maneuver burn supposed to accomplish? I can't figure out when to end it. I'm overdoing it as I keep loering my periapsis until it's below ground. Where am I supposed to end up at the end of the burn?
  14. I suspect it does. I'm in a 20 km circular orbit (and out of fuel) but the tutorial doesn't say "tutorial complete"
  15. first of all, I thank everyone for their comments. I was surprised by how many people have responded. This is certainly a friendly forum. I'm now consistently getting into a close circular orbit around mun , it's just not the orbit that the tutorial wants, so I haven't officially completed the tutorial, but I think I now understand what's going on.The tutorial doesn't give you full fuel tanks to start with so there's very little left for orbital adjustments.
  16. I managed to get into a munar orbit, but not the one the tutorial wants (i couldn't lower the apoapsis enough because I ran out of fuel). I think I found the problem. The tutorial says to add a maneuver mode at periapsis (before the retrograde burn), but the program won't let me do that. Why am I not able to add the requested maneuver node?
  17. is that burn in maneuver mode, prograde or retrograde? I'm still not getting a lunar orbit.
  18. is that when I burn retrograde, the blue line starts to form a closed circle with escape mun at the closing end of the line. But when the lines merge I get a highly eccentric orbit with the periapsis inside the mun
  19. when I burn retrograde, the blue line starts to form a closed circle with escape mun at the closing end of the line. But when the lines merge I get a highly eccentric orbit with the periapsis inside the mun
  20. OK, so I've worked my way through the tutorials up to getting to the mun part 1 and there I am stuck. I can create an encounter with mun and I can raise my apoapsis, but when I time warp to the eencounter I get this and I have no idea how to proceed beyond this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I've looked at lots of youtube videos but they haven't helped.What this tutorial needs is a tutorial on the tutorial
  21. I'm new to ksp and wanted to post a question and include a screen shot. How do I upload that image into my posting?
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