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  1. Thank you! So I found a few things, it's a lil bit sad "Console versions will come out as soon as possible after the completion of the Early Access period. " So KSP 2 won't come out on console until AFTER the 1.0 release, not simultaneously. Thats really sad since the game will probably be in early access for like, two years at a minimum. Looks like I won't get to play KSP 2 for... well, a really long time. I'm still excited, but this had made me a lil bit sad, ngl. I remember one of my friends telling me about KSP 2's announcement for a 2020 release date, and how it would come out on console, I was so excited! Now, I may not get to enjoy console KSP 2 until 2025 at the earliest. When that day comes though, I will be excited Back to waiting with the KSP 1 Enhanced Edition. I'm gonna send a hype train to Eeloo.
  2. I'm really excited for KSP 2. I play on console so I cant play the EA. I'm guessing that KSP 2 will release on console at probably the same time as the 1.0 comes out and the EA ends, but thats an assumption and I don't actually know if thats true. What information do we have about the console release? Do we have any idea when it's coming? I wasn't really able to find any solid info which is why I made this account to ask. as a side question, If it is coming at the same time as the EA ends, how long might that take?
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