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Everything posted by Vesuvius

  1. ik im like a little under 2 years late but you could use KAL controllers to "generate" fuel at a slightly lower rate than the consumption of the engines you're using
  2. anyone know anything new? ive always wanted to make some other shuttle concepts and this mod seems promising
  3. -Solved- By opening the textures is a program that can edit .dds images, switch the compression to BC3 / DXT5 I recently downloaded the mod Silverwolf Aerospace and its part textures are nearly entirely grey, excluding windows and small details, i'm wondering how to fix this and if anyone can help with this.
  4. Problems half solved, after reinstalling nearly all my mods through CKAN (including KSP-IE) i no longer have problems with IE, though the year2200 CKAN issue persists. KSP-IE: When launching the game with IE installed, when I enter the VAB/SPH, none of the controls work (cant exit, place, rotate, etc.), and placing something as a root part doesn't work either, and attempting to attach something to it doesn't work either, otherwise the game seems fine without IE. I've tried installing IE manually and through CKAN and neither work. KSP.log file (KSP-IE) Year2200: When launching the game with y2200 installed manually, unlike with IE where I am unable to edit, no parts show up. The bar with all the parts on the left side of the screen is empty and no subcategories in the advanced mode appear, when I try to load into a previous save with active vessels, it displays an error that the parts for those vessels are missing. When launching KSP with y2200 installed with CKAN, the same issue as with IE happens. KSP.log file (Year2200 through CKAN)
  5. Ive been trying to edit some .cfg files for a mod im making but i dont know where or how to change how much science you can get from the part when collecting science, anyone know how?
  6. Even after reinstalling with this update, the 1.25 and 5m drives won't load, i've check the log file and can't find anything that should do this besides this message for every drive (0.625m included) "[ERR 19:17:15.278] Texture 'SillyPhotonDrives/Parts/Engine/white' not found!", but the 0.625m drive still exists if this somehow was keeping the 1.25 and 5m drives from loading, any other ideas?
  7. I've got all dependencies downloaded and B9PartSwitch on its most recent version (i hope), im gonna try redownloading B9, but if that doesn't work, any other recommendations?
  8. the photon_5 and photon_125 files do exist, yet don't appear in the parts list, i've tried redownloading manually and through CKAN, any other recommendations?
  9. For some reason i can't find the 1.25 and 5m drives, anyone else have this problem?
  10. Big pack of flags Thats it Give ideas please Gallery: Imgur Download: SpaceDock
  11. Due to me being a very big amateur with KSP planet making and a lack of motivation development will take alot longer A decent(ish?) sized planet pack adding many planets loosely based off of NovaSilisko's planets they planned on adding to KSP, many artistic liberties taken. First planet mod and probably a little overambitious but who cares Current Planets/Moons Xubol: a tiny ball of iron and silica being slowly churned around by its core and the sun. Faz: a small, weird moon with a cracked, lumpy surface Jall: Textures coming soon, no idea what it'll look like. Rupa: a small green moon orbiting Kerbin (It was repurposed into Minmus, so it looks identical to Minmus.) I will be adding pictures soon
  12. I get this error from B9PartSwitch when loading BDB,NF,FFT, and SSPXr Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rTbdR2DF0WIzalNSb-QICZLssIvtRpJ4/view?usp=sharing How I Fixed it: I just deleted everything and redid all my mods. Thats it.
  13. Link to OG post Found and experimented with the Secrets Website for Niako's Other Worlds mod. Used Inspect and found several messages with actual "answers", listed below: After this I found an encrypted message in (possibly?) UTF-8, with it also likely being Base64 although I am not sure what it is truely. The message is: When putting it through decoding websites the most legible is Base64 on UTF-8, with it being: Thank you and please help me with this.
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