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  1. Does MKS and USI-LifeSupport need localization support? I already translated all parts information to chinese for my own game if needed,I can send pull request right now.
  2. I‘m localizing a mod with some buttons and others in the setting menu But the problem is these buttons was mad by attribute and attribute argument only accept constant expression (An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type) so I can't localize these titles and tooltips by localizer ,I'm not so familiar whith c# and “attribute ”,is there any way to make setting button without attribute? Or is there other solutions?
  3. I'm not very sure what does that mean,according to I just need to copy the .ksp file from the source code and paste it into the gameplay folder in KSP to do the trick but it didn't work,kspeia pages for snack can't be found anywhere in the game
  4. I have localized this mod for most of the part,and i have send pull request at github already there is two main part that I had ran into trouble with though 1. setting windows are not localized because CustomParameterUI Class doesn't accept localizer.format() both as title or tooltips , it only accept const 2. kspedia pages are not localized because I can't even find the pages at the kspedia in game how should i fix these ? there is also some other little isse that make some specific lines and words not localizable ,is it OK that i post these here? By the way,is there any greenhouse parts mod that support snacks?
  5. I'd like to localize this mod but I had run into some trouble because I haven't localize any mod which don't have a localization file in other languange already.. my main issue is that i can't find where this module put the file which controls all those window and button like these one can anyone help me please?
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