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Everything posted by Selvek

  1. I have five probes in the Jool system and am down to about 4 seconds per frame. Ragequitting again after attempting to play on 0.2.1 for an hour.
  2. This is a critical bug as in some cases, it makes it impossible to select a target and continue the mission. Similarly, vehicle name popups can block clicking on planets. In the worst cases, the vehicle icons somehow grow to cover a lot of the screen. Nothing like having a 2 inch wide icon in about 16x16 resolution cover your whole screen.
  3. I'm running in 1440x900 resolution which is probably lower than most these days, but I find certain text lines almost completely illegible - specifically, stage dV, TWR, and fuel readouts, plus the "location path" label in the upper left (it says something like Kerbin/KSC/VAB). The part descriptions you see when pressing shift over a part in the VAB is not quite as bad, but I still have to squint to read it. Overall there's a huge size range between different bits of text. The pixelated font *might* be ok if we could adjust and standardize the font sizes, but probably any other font (except wingdings) would be more readable.
  4. Very cool! Two questions - will "too cold" be a thing? Managing heaters to keep critical components (especially batteries) healthy is very important to certain mars helicopters and other spacecraft. And, can we persuade kerbal engineers to add overtemp shutoffs to their engines, so that when you hit high warp without extending the radiators, the engines just shut off instead of exploding?
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