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  1. Is Hullcam VDS Continued support added yet? It doesn't show up for me now but it worked before
  2. installed spectra, i installed avp for this exact reason (it didnt work) hoping it will work seriously considering going back to stock
  3. well here we are again So I have a """""few""""" mods. They might be interfering with AVP... Could be the problem.. I'll screenshot the mod list, and other directories you need me to screenshot and send my KSP.log. Infact, I'll put it right....... here. https://mega.nz/file/2JUVTYjL#zwhwSUPMAQY0bgTnbTWRynPcTz9ln-F2IW5dyqVA_5U They might be breaking my game and hopefully, you can diagnose my abomination of a install....or at least find out what's going on. (installed everything using ckan)
  4. Nevermind menu shows up... Sorry for making a unnecessary topic
  5. Please help! So I have around 60 mods, but for some reason the main menu isn't working! Buttons don't show up, can't hear music, it just crashed, kerbin isn't moving, the whole nine. I'm not sifting through 60 mods since my PC specs aren't the best on the block... I'm also doing this on my phone so I'm gonna have to sign in on my PC
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