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The epic chicken

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Everything posted by The epic chicken

  1. Did a short formation flight. And afterwards at the ksc. I think the aeroplanes are plotting something... either that or they're complaining about the f22 and su57 causing raucous with power drills and french rafales.
  2. Lining up on the runway, featuring my IL-76 Here's a link for anyone that wants to download and look at the 20K resolution version created with BOSS https://www.mediafire.com/file/4s18gtvqq1ttis3/SS_08-09-2023_15-53-52.png/file
  3. I seem to have fixed my game, I'm not getting any errors anymore, thank you for helping me with fixing the errors
  4. Hello, I got another Houston, I've removed the duplicate install, I wasn't wasn't able to figure out how to download the workaround file I've attached the ksp log and a screenshot https://www.mediafire.com/file/vpwfhlbws1m05cm/ksp_log.zip/file https://ibb.co/Tt0HVLy Could you help me find the cause for the error Thanks
  5. hello, i'm having a texturing issue procedural wings, when i change the the trailing edge shape on the procedural wings control surface to rounded, it goes to this texture instead of the textures unlimited textures, i've tried reinstalling textures unlimited/turd and procedural wings but the issue persists, i've attached a link to a screenshot showing the texture that the wing goes to (idk how to upload pictures on this forum) https://ibb.co/xqZ49ch thanks
  6. hello there, when loading up the game i'm getting this error message, i'm not too sure what's causing it though https://ibb.co/QFZ2h4k https://www.mediafire.com/file/qb6w51c5kd0q2k7/KSP.log/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/fp55l7lkewuayor/Player.log/file thanks
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