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  1. Cheers Nertea, that's good to know! For now I'll just tweak the abundance values around Jool in the Space Dust config, and wait for the updates
  2. I'd feared this - I looked in the config and saw that the scoop can collect antimatter and the minumum value is the same for the other resources; HARVESTED_RESOURCE { Name = LqdHydrogen MinHarvestValue =0.00000000000000000001 BaseEfficiency = 1 } HARVESTED_RESOURCE { Name = LqdHe3 MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001 BaseEfficiency = 0.1 } HARVESTED_RESOURCE { Name = LqdDeuterium MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001 BaseEfficiency = 0.1 } HARVESTED_RESOURCE { Name = Antimatter MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001 BaseEfficiency = 0.01 So I guess the problem, like you highlighted, is the SpaceDust's max abundance values. I could tweak the max value so there's a viable amount to collect (without being too cheaty - maybe to the same value as the other resources?). I understand that it's intended to make antimatter as rare as it is in real life, but in that case how do you produce it in the game? Do you just rely on the Antimatter Factory, and using up your science points to generate it?
  3. Hi all, I'm struggling with collecting antimatter! Using the 'Bussard' particle scoop, I can collect light elements just fine, and Space Dust is showing antimatter bands around planets, but the Bussard interface doesn't show that it's collecting any antimatter. Time warping into the future (hundreds of years) shows that my antimatter tanks aren't filling either. I've got it pointing prograde, and the spectrometer gives a reading of ~3.0x10^-30 (absolutely miniscule - is this a typical value?) Here's my map screen, showing that I'm in the antimatter band in low-Jool orbit (Space Dust shows 4.17E-30 t/m^3 of the stuff): https://ibb.co/88k1Pn0 And here's my interface, showing that the CRANE spectrometer is picking up a reading of 3.1E-30 t/m^3. The particle scoop, however, only shows that it's harvesting liquid hydrogen and liquid deuterium; https://ibb.co/nBZF3DN Help?!
  4. That's ok! I'm still new to the forum so I didn't realise that's how it worked! It worked Clicking 'PartTools' with the axes icon at the top of the hierarchy before exporting the .mu preserved the orientation, and it's now loading correctly into the game. Thank you so much for your help! I haven't been clicking 'merge by distance' because I'm a rank amateur, but I'll start using it from now on Now to learn how to re-texture the damn thing... I'll be using your guide for that!
  5. Hi, thanks for your reply! Unfortunately that didn't work, re-importing the model (or loading it in-game) still shows it in the incorrect orientation. I've had a look through your guide and tried to understand how the hierarchy works, and the part seems to have a sensible hierarchy with two sets of axes as the parent of the meshes. I've attached a screenshot of the blender window including the hierarchy panel in case there's something I'm missing; https://ibb.co/QDf3PvX I've also noticed that when I re-import, the axes (as well as the Camera & Light entries) are missing from the top of the hierarchy: https://ibb.co/nnXgGc7 I'm definitely using the latest version of the .mu addon and I think it's installed properly!
  6. Hi all, Been trying my hand at modifying some pre-existing parts (specifically adding more windows to the 'shovel' cockpit from Mk3 Expansion) and I'm having an issue; Whenever I export the asset a a .mu file in blender and load it into the game, it is rotated 90° upwards. Re-importing the asset into blender shows the same problem.Apparently this can be fixed for other formats by using the 'Transform' menu in the export window, but this doesn't appear for me when exporting .mu files. Here's a GIF of the problem: https://ibb.co/vkF7xZ7 Any ideas? Cheers!
  7. Hi all, Having an issue with large wings attached to a spaceplane (made of MkIV System parts) - the procedural wings seem to break off the craft with quite a small force, which means I can't land it! I've tried using autostrut & rigid attachment to no avail. The problem disappears when I tick 'unbreakable joints' in the cheat menu, meaning it's definitely the joint that's breaking. I've tried adjusting the part parameters in the wing config files (crashTolerance, breakingTorque, breakingForce), with no effect (the part is more resistant to exploding itself, but its connection strength to the rest of the craft is unchanged). Now, it might just be that the wing with the engines attached is too heavy and I'll have to suck it up, but is there any way to modify the joint strength to make it stronger? Here's a video of the ill-fated spaceplane: https://ufile.io/ak4acs70 Thanks!
  8. Ok, I built a craft to test this out - made of a KPBS Greenhouse, attached to a Meerkat Landing Assist, attached to a Planetary Laboratory. Here's a link to my KSP.log file: https://ufile.io/rzz0bwj5 Also, in case it's relevant, the console in the F12 menu showed the following: Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  9. Think I may have found a bug with a part in Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - specifically the LV25 'Meerkat' Landing Assist. There is no 'Open Hatch [F]' prompt when I approach the hatch, so I can't pass through. Sorry I can't attach a picture/video to show you! Versions: FreeIVA v0.2.16.1, Kerbal Planetary Base Systems v1.6.16 (with Hab Tech Props v0/2/0), Reviva 0.8.1.
  10. Yep - sorted it right out! Silly mistake on my part. The black screen happened because I didn't install the separate SSPX IVA package. Installed that plus reviva and all is well. Thanks for your reply!
  11. Hi, firstly, love your work! I've been having some issues getting the mod installed and running properly. I was initially on the latest version of KSP (1.12), not sure of the exact version number but it's the latest version on Steam as of today. I manually installed FreeIVA and Station Parts Expansion Redux and it worked great, except I couldn't pass through any of the multi-port station connectors or pressurised crew tubes ("hatch is blocked" error). I figured I'd messed something up during the manual install or used an outdated version. So I downloaded CKAN, and then tried installing FreeIVA / Station Parts Expansion Redux. CKAN wouldn't allow this as apparently SPER is only compatible with 1.12.3 and below, so I rolled back my KSP 1.12.3 via Steam, started with a fresh KSP install, and everything copied across successfully, including some other mods I like using. Problem now is I get a black screen whenever I press 'C' to view inside the ships, plus the '[Y] Unbuckle' prompt doesn't appear implying FreeIVA isn't working either. I'd attach my log file and GameData folder, but I'm not sure how to on this forum! I guess what I'm asking for is a step-by-step install guide if possible; sorry - I'm fairly new to this!
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