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Everything posted by Arguswastaken

  1. If you want the old music and UI then just play the old game. They're not gonna drag and drop anything directly from KSP 1 into 2, that'd be redundant for no reason. If you really want that then I think you'll have to count on mods. Personally I think the new music is an improvement, it's contextual now and way more cinematic. I'm still torn on the UI but this is a sequel, the last thing I'd want is for it to be replaced 1:1 with the original.
  2. I don't hate the new pixelated font but I want the ability to choose a smoother, better defined font to replace it. I'm not sure which I would prefer yet, because I'd need to try both to figure that out, but in general I think a lot of people would appreciate having that option. Personally I find a lot of the UI in this game to be really hard to look at, partly due to the font, but also because they tend to just be big boxes cluttered with text. Especially the new science menu. I just don't like it. I think it's too dense with text and numbers that I don't really need. I always did like reading the flavour text in KSP 1 and I see that it's present now too, but it strikes me as unusual how small and insignificant it is in the menu and that I have to expand it to read it all, as if it's some kind of bespoke data that you're rarely ever meant to look at.
  3. I play KSP1 with a HOTAS too and I find that more fun, even easier. I tested it in KSP2 myself a few months ago and it turns out the functionality is partially in there already, but IIRC only pitch and roll worked for me, not yaw or throttle. I'm interested to hear what the devs would say about this too, but I don't expect them to make it fully supported anytime soon. I really hope they eventually do though, because I find it much more intuitive to fly planes in atmosphere and dock spacecraft by using the fine control of a joystick instead of a keyboard (precise control mode helps a little, but it's not flexible enough for me personally). KSP1 also lets you map the controls differently depending on whether docking mode is on, and if it's in LIN or ROT mode. I know most people don't use docking mode with a keyboard, but with a HOTAS it's kind of necessary unless you happen to have 2 sticks or something.
  4. Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-7700k | GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 | RAM: 16 GB When launching a ship, all the navball and surrounding elements are gone, save for the atmospheric density meter for some reason. This happened again even after I recovered the vessel and launched another craft. The issue resolved itself once I went back to the main menu and returned to the game though. I saw this the first time I played v0.1.4, after relaunching the game I wasn't able to get it to occur again. I made a new campaign and tried it there thinking that might have been related, but still it didn't occur again. Low severity, as there is a workaround, but it's tedious to do. Included Attachments:
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