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Everything posted by vysiondropz

  1. Logs for MM, KSP.txt and output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/owpe5ltmyer8kn749altj/h?rlkey=ab9iim5a7rhsaau8mvyelpth8&dl=0 I've been trying to get this game to run for 3 days now. I had to deal with "system.reflection.reflectiontypeloadexception was thrown". Tweakscale doesn't seem to like any b9 things on my setup, is that common? What are the needed .DLL files for tweakscale to work correctly?
  2. Hi @Lisias I'm trying to mod my game but run into the issue saying system.reflection.reflectiontypeloadexception was thrown. could you please help me out? here is my logs. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9jyln5kectsy0os29g72k/output_log.txt?rlkey=9bxfmkgnkln1veary9crbeaf0&dl=0
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