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Posts posted by hellothere___


    On 6/15/2024 at 12:43 PM, GuessingEveryDay said:

    That may have something to do with how your orbits are drawn. In the settings, under Graphics, there's an option to change "Conic Patch Draw mode". The default is Relative, which can be a little weird, I prefer to use Local to Body, as it will draw exactly what my orbits will be around a specific moon or planet, i.e. Mun or Minmus, while transferring.

    i might have fixed it. apparently setting the orbit to 20 km around the mun was making it go 20 km away from the core and thats underground.

  2. On 4/12/2024 at 2:49 AM, Rodger said:

    You can zip the log and upload to something like Dropbox or google drive. However first, this is possibly just an issue with Tweakscale - if you have it, I’d suggest fully uninstalling it (and ksp recall) and installing Tweakscale Rescaled instead, it is much more stable than the other version.

    i managed to fix it, i just had too many kerbals. thanks for the help


  3. On 3/31/2024 at 2:50 AM, Shadow Wolf TJC said:

    I'm curious as to how much RAM your PC has. Mine has around 16GB RAM, and I'd consider that to be on the low end for a demanding game as even baseline KSP. (If you're curious and/or don't know better, know that exceeding your RAM capacity would usually cause your system to have to use data storage to make up for its shortcomings, which may very well result in a slower, laggier gameplay experience.)

    I'm also curious as to how big (in MB or GB) your GameData folder on your KSP installation is. Personally, I'd be uncomfortable at having a GameData folder that's at least 20GB large (and have once had a GameData folder that was at least 45GB large before I had to do some massive mod pruning).

    Oh, and for the record, the Bluedog Design Bureau (or BDB) is, by far, the largest parts pack available on CKAN, at a massive 2GB in size (whereas many other parts packs rarely exceed 100MB in size). If, like me, you're only here for newer gameplay experiences (such as provided by, say, TAC Life Support, Konstruction, advanced engines that would blow even Ion Drives out of the water in terms of isp, or even just new science experiments), then you may want to cut out this mod (or at least the parts that you wouldn't care much for, such as all those spacecraft replicas).

    my gamedata is about 10GB large, and i have like 32GB of RAM.

  4. On 2/18/2024 at 7:58 PM, Lisias said:

    Ugh. One month later… :/  If you still have the problem publish your KSP.log and I will see what's missing. You, perhaps, had installed Firespitter Core only?

    In a way or another:


    Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

    • Pulling a fast one: fixing the cause of the infamous TweakScale's warning NULL ConfigNode for <part-path> (unholy characters on the name?). Trying partConfig instead! at the same trying to salvage any current patchset, partset or UbioWeld made parts by keeping the meshes and textures on the original place.
      • It's deceiving because the "problem" is still there, I only moved it around to a place where TweakScale will not complain.

    @Krazy1 asked about some annoying warnings trigged on AirplanePlus  on the TweakScale Companion thread, and while explaining them the problem suddenly I got an crazy idea (pun not intended) about how to work around the problem without breaking legacy - and the damned thing worked!

    What's next

    I couldn't get in touch with @blackheart612 since my last release, did a last try today. But I'm not holding my breath on the hopes on reusing the CurseForge and SpaceDock entries - so I'm considering how to proceed from here without throwing anyone under the bus (neither putting my SAS on the window).

    Other than the stunt I pulled above, there's nothing new, and I'm still strugging a bit on working on the backlog I had posted in the last release:


    By last, but not the least...

      Reveal hidden contents

    No Module Manager was harmed during the development of TweakScale Airplane Plus.


    This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

    • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
    • Others are still being worked out at this moment.

    it works now. sometime the games files uninstall somehow and i have to check validity through steam

  5. alright, thanks. excited for the crt fix.

    On 1/7/2024 at 1:22 PM, 610yesnolovely said:

    Yes, Reviva will support both (last time I checked), see https://github.com/harveyt/reviva/blob/main/README.md

    From the notes, it has to be installed carefully and the CRT in Retro is probably still broken:

    • Only copy UltimateShuttleIVA into GameData, ignore the top level USIVA-xxx.cfg files.
    • Mk3 Ultimate Retro variant CRT do not seem to work. Will eventually try to fix.


  6. 1 hour ago, 610yesnolovely said:

    Yes, Reviva will support both (last time I checked), see https://github.com/harveyt/reviva/blob/main/README.md

    From the notes, it has to be installed carefully and the CRT in Retro is probably still broken:

    • Only copy UltimateShuttleIVA into GameData, ignore the top level USIVA-xxx.cfg files.
    • Mk3 Ultimate Retro variant CRT do not seem to work. Will eventually try to fix.

    thanks. i just put both cfg's in, and they still worked. is that messing anything up?

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