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  1. Not for me. hmm. wonder why I finished getting almost all of the Moho science and now need to retrieve a part from retrograde orbit. If the part is large, I'll probably need to leave it in low Moho orbit (prograde), land, refuel, launch, get the part again. Then go back to Gilly, refuel, get a second part in orbit there. Finally bring the parts and a load of science back to Kerbin.
  2. Has anyone actually found Voronoi Craters on Moho? I don't think there are any. I'm using Scansat and managed to find several tiny Exotic craters but no Voronoi.
  3. Crewed lander exploring Moho (JNSQ) after refueling on Minmus and Gilly.
  4. When you get a chance, I'm hoping to see Avalanche Plumes on CKAN. It's up on Spacedock.
  5. Already requested it to be added Don't see it yet...
  6. Preview looks great. I see v4.0.1 in CKAN. Is it ready? The CKAN links are broken: https://github.com/AdiriKSP/RSMP One above is empty: https://github.com/KochieBR/Avalanche-Plumes
  7. Comets are a nice addition to the game. If you can rendezvous with one inside Kerbin's orbit, the tail effects are worth the effort (at least once). I wish they worked with JNSQ. Yeah... I once ran out of fuel, sent a rescue ship... without parachutes. Today I landed on Mun in the dark - not worth a picture. I overshot the landing a few km because I came from Minmus and still had 3/4 fuel left. So I'll have to hop back to pick up the deployed science equipment before departing for Dres. I had plenty of storage to launch with 2 sets of equipment... but no.
  8. ICYMI there's another config for Scatterer 0.08+ https://github.com/coldrifting/JNSQ_ScattererPatch Of course I hope you continue working on your own it but it may help to reference it. That one also does not have arouras or lightning so I really hope someone can figure that out. BTW for the stock JNSQ config I changed the aroura height to 70 km... it was 20 km before and I could fly above them which wasn't realistic. Arouras video1 video 2 It's in the github bug reports. Also my last post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/184880-1121-jnsq-0100-23-sept-2021/?do=findComment&comment=4390556
  9. @boriz well I really don't know about the forum... at least it looks like KSP2 is kaput. Follow the link above to the IGN link.
  10. Today I wondered what's up with KSP2 and discovered it's all in flames. Even this forum is possibly doomed in 4 weeks. So anyway... back to Vall... the Laythe SSTO ship (yet unproven namesake) refueled. The crew observed a transit of Laythe but even more extraordinary, Bop and Pol were both visible between Jool and the horizon. Bop is retrograde using Principia so it's a brief alignment.
  11. I'm seeing this message spammed on the screen continuously in flight and in the logs once per second: Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' I've been seeing this error before but only once not constantly. I can't tell much from the logs. Just "(Filename: Line: 1462)" ... in Player log. ksp log player log Restock+, JNSQ or Scatterer would be my first guesses.
  12. So annoying... all contracts for Eve and then Moho. Well, that's... creative. What the what. I'm dreading JNSQ Eve. That's also 10 ATM but "only" 1.4G. After the crew finished hopping around Duna, they went back to Ike. Repacking the drogue in the pic below. The mains won't deploy on JNSQ Duna... min. deploy pressure is 0.04 Atm and that's also the zero altitude pressure. Lesson learned. They found the Ike anomalies: Now they are waiting almost a year for a transfer window to return the science to Kerbin. The final challenge will be sending an impact probe from Kerbin to strike Duna for seismic data. The atmosphere will make it difficult. Mission control has shifted focus to Jool. The original 4 kerbonauts have arrived and landed on Vall. Unfortunately, the scanner probe is a year behind due to absurd planning. Fortunately they landed in a biome with enough ore to refuel. (Roughly 1.5% ore is the minimum needed to refuel using fuel cells.) Kuston told them to wait for the scanner probe and not risk hopping to another biome. Jeb has insured that message was not received, retroactively. @king of nowhere I'm amazed you could build your ginormous ships in the stock VAB. Make sure you're using the latest LGG version: HangerExtenderExtended
  13. The visual stuff is JNSQ (with the included sunflare), Scatterer (0.0838 with Coldrifting JNSQ config), Distant Object Enhancement, Planetshine, DF skybox: large Magellanic Cloud, Restock+ with Waterfall expansion.
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