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Everything posted by Skyliumc258

  1. Nuh uh this is actually a bad idea. You definitly can be [aspect of politics] hater but doing self-deletion for content that you made in your mod is not really good. I personally dislike Starlink's environmental impacts (and thus don't support Starlink), I was skeptical on Musk's Martian plans and don't like several things he did, but tbh I don't really care "if we have a SpaceX reference in a silly green man's spaceflight game's mod" or not. This is a stupid game and we are all stupid players, not attendees of an international political summit.
  2. System Charts that I made for this mod recently. The First Place you Look: Aethera System Centauri Wish: Nova Kirbani System
  3. This mod has so much future potential. It's like in between NF Series and RealFuel. Anyway, I'm looking forward on future progresses.
  4. the new engines are cool, probably are the first ones with green plumes
  5. this is amazing, any plans on making a simple daedalus drive mod? (not requesting u to do so). the existing mod involing that were either too heavy or quality is too low
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