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Everything posted by Deadweasel

  1. As the title is "Kerbin Art" for this thread, might I recommend another better-suited to such discussions? Rareden is also active there as well. (Also interesting to watch the friendly semi-flamewar going on between him and rewdew2 as well) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/45369-Your-Blender-Maya-3dMax-etc-fan-art-section-(Animation-Pics-etc)?p=812921#post812921
  2. Mine is currently biding his time as primary Sherpa pilot for the Duna Explorer mission. He's about to be a bit disappointed when he is replaced as crew shuttle pilot by the much more capable AACT design headed out to them in short order.
  3. Heh, I've actually been working on something similar, though since I don't have l33t skills in 3DS/Maya/Blender yet, I'm doing it in Sketchup, which is panning out just fine, thank you very much! Kinda helps that Sketchup was designed for architectural stuff in the first place, for sure!
  4. Eh, one more sub fee I really don't want to be throwing down for, especially since I'm already paying for the extra storage space with Google anyway. Maybe someday I suppose.
  5. ...'lost the patient'?? What the hell son? It's not brain science!! XD
  6. "Coolies", actually. Also, it's your choice how you want to send up the pics, I think most folks are just confused as to why you don't, but it sounds like the connectivity in your area is a pain to work with, and that's how you work around it. That's fair enough to be sure, but whatever you do, don't compare this situation to quality back in 1969. Back in those days, people were ecstatic they could get live feeds at ALL. It's like saying that people in '69 never complained about their internet connection speeds. The answer will always be a resounding "Ya THINK?!"
  7. Check under %KSP_ROOT&\GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\PluginData\DockingPortAlignment\config.xml You can change window size and position there, but you'll probably also have to edit the graphics that live in that folder to compensate for the size change as well. Photoshop or GIMP should be able to resize them nicely by percentage.
  8. Hey, this ain't a popularity contest (at least in this thread)! It's "What did you do in KSP today?" Sure, others might have done it, but that's no reason to not feel some pride in your accomplishment. Good job! I remember well how it felt the first time I dropped a vehicle down there. And the second, and the third. You know what, I dropped like twelve different things on that kerbal-hating planet until I actually got a rover to survive the landing. Pretty sure the neighbors thought I'd just won the lottery or something that night. So yeah, good job, and don't dismiss your accomplishment just because somebody else did it first. After all, that doesn't stop the Chinese, now does it?
  9. You can view individual images in an album and copy the URL from there too, without having to pop a new tab. I like Imgur too, but the 225 image limitation before images just go "hidden" is annoying. I don't know if links back to them still work after they're hidden, and if so I'll be swearing them off because I can't stand it when I go to read somebody's old post somewhere and the image link is dead. I don't want to be that guy​. :/
  10. Heh cute little bugger. Question on the G+ front (since I just know we're all going to be forced over there eventually): have you found a way to just copy the link like Picasa currently does (auto-resized and all), or do you just copy image URL from the browser itself?
  11. O_o I'm not so sure I've ever heard that word used in anything other than a derogatory sense, until now.
  12. Niiice! Is there an automation trick to doing that, or do you literally have to go through and manually match the motion to that point of the music? Oooo that's a good track too! Boards of Canada, ne?
  13. The only people getting the wrong idea are the ones who read the original post and still don't get the point. The reason the idea of a mod keeps coming up is that is what people are calling out, rather than be faced with the prospect of this idea being adopted in the vanilla game. In other words, they'd rather it was a mod so they can just ignore the idea instead. This whole thread is about the idea of rocket launches actually taking time in the game universe before they're ready to launch. That it spawned a new mod project has nothing to do with that fact, and moving it to the dev forum wouldn't really be appropriate, especially given the format of the original question that was posed for discussion. As to why it would be redundant? Here is the mod development thread that takes this idea and attempts to do something practical with it, already in the Add-on Development forum.
  14. You should go back and look at some of the other stuff he's posted. He's already capable of doing more complex things. It's hardly as if a render of a dodgeball is the limit of his abilities... >_<
  15. Well every fine artist goes back to the basics from time to time. It helps to refine ideas and techniques that can be used with the more complex things. For example, that ball alone to FORTY MINUTES to render. That's a heck of a long wait just to see the results of your tweaking and toying. Imagine trying to do that with a massive project featuring said awesomeness and explosions. I for one don't have the patience to wait two days to see if my lightning changes resulted in the enhancement I expected...
  16. That's a bit like trying to apply for the Olympics before you've even learned how to throw a Javelin...
  17. I did, and I have to ask: what gym would be using recycled plastic boards for its floor? (the whole think looks really sweet though; far better than I could currently hope to achieve!)
  18. Check this out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-22-Release-1-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod I've got the same mods as you and many more. I've been running at the edge of memory fault for weeks, but after installing this thing, I'm down to 1.7GB used. I'm considering putting Universe Replacer back in play because of this.
  19. Umm... yeah. In that way it is completely different, but that has nothing to do with what I was talking about, does it? No, it doesn't impose additional build time for rockets, but it does introduce a delay that doesn't exist otherwise, for the sake of realism and challenge, which is the same as what the mod proposed here would do. Whether or not you think that is an arbitrary thing has no bearing here. The fact is that in real life, long distance communications take time, and so does rocket building. Some folks get a kick out of adding that real-time delay for comm/control into the game via RT for the sake of having that extra challenge; why wouldn't they also look at a mod that adds time delay for rocket building or parts ordering the same way?
  20. [TABLE=width: 800] <tbody>[TR] [TD]After the press had finally wandered away from the facility, Bilster went on a tour of the space center. So much has changed since he left with the Duna Explorer mission, three years ago! Look at all this fuel by the hangar! Who'd ever need this much at once? >_> [/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE]
  21. Look under [iNSTALL FOLDER]/KSP_DATA/output_log.txt Look through there for where the errors start. They will likely call out the offending module causing the trouble, in more detail.
  22. Hehehe enjoy! Oh, small bug I discovered in FuelTastic (the developer has already been made aware): it will throw constant NullReferenceErrors in 0.22 unless you modify the part .cfg files. Comment out the final call to MODULE { name - FuelTastic } This reference calls the .dll that ostensibly adds sound and light effects to the fuel converters, but there's something bugged about that module in the current version. Personally that feature has never worked for me anyway, but commenting out that last section eliminates the errors, and the units work just fine otherwise (and is why my ships include an indicator light that's triggered with them, so I don't forget they're turned on!) ><
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