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Everything posted by Dush_Nila

  1. I didn't understand a bit which specific config needs to be changed. If it's not difficult for you, please send me a working version of the config. I would be very grateful.
  2. Hello. I tried to use this mod with Minmar Rings, however it didn't give any results. I created the config that you suggested in one of the previous posts and put it in GameData, but still nothing happens and the system remains normal. Please, you can check, if this is a conflict with the new version of your mod or if I'm doing something wrong?
  3. I have a problem with loading the mod. Absolutely clean Ksp 1.12.3, only the mod itself and all the requirements were installed through the SCAN. At the PlanetaryBaseInc/BaseSystem/Parts/Utility/Greenhouse/Greenhouse_g/KKAOSS_Greenhous_g stage, the download stops and hangs indefinitely in this state (and the game does not hang, pictures change, etc.) Log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w8ftii6uml91gbanmzrn3/Player.log?rlkey=saq50fdz6ozu3lkji0xjmxo40&dl=0
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