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Everything posted by Augie

  1. Encountered the same and wanted to just echo this entirely. Seems to either be a bug that Starlab collects biome specific at low orbit or that the research timer should progress during the extension+retraction. (Though even then, gathering from a location such as Kerbal Shores would be quite tedious)
  2. Also encountered with LY-5 plane gear. Also solved with quickloading. I had a couple science parts selected (highlighted in green) and could not unselect them; maybe that was the cause? Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2011357607?t=01h47m45s
  3. Those bugs may be related, but they are quite different as far as impact. This thread is a UI display bug related to multiple parts. The merged bug involved the actual resource transfer values not being correct
  4. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: AMD Threadripper 2950x | GPU: RTX 3080 | RAM: 32gb I transferred CH4 and Ox (both marked as OUT) into another tank (both marked as IN). The result was that the CH4 values decreased on both tanks. Seems like the Ch4 disappeared? Start:Tank 1 : 2.5 CH4 and 10.02 Ox and Tank 2: .27 CH4 and 1.06 Ox End: Tank 1: 1.72 CH4 and 11.08 Ox. Tank 2 empty (would have expected 2.77 CH4 and 11.08 Ox) I did have a 3rd tank that was full and set to = (unchanged.) Was able to reproduce multiple times in the session. Had to reload a previous save to restore levels. Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2009660344?t=01h11m05s Included Attachments:
  5. Also experienced this. Clicking the 'x' duplicated the part listing in the resource transfer window. Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2009660344?t=01h02m40s v0.2 Win 10 AMD Threaripper 2950x, RTX 3080, 32 gb ram No Mods
  6. Also encountered #2: not able to add stages via the + button. Simply had to close VAB and go back in and it worked, so low priority. Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2009660344?t=00h05m35s Got it to work at 7:00 minutes v0.2 Win 10 AMD Threaripper 2950x, RTX 3080, 32 gb ram No Mods
  7. Also encountered this with the parachute no deploying. Was not able to deploy manually or via staging. My camera happened to be blocking my m/s + altitude (sorry!) but I was in a safe range for it. Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2009660344?t=02h11m25s v0.2 Win 10 AMD Threaripper 2950x, RTX 3080, 32 gb ram No Mods
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