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Washed and Rusty

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Everything posted by Washed and Rusty

  1. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows | CPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 | GPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz | RAM: 31.92GB If the undo button is used in the VAB, fuel lines and struts sometimes cannot be connected in symmetry mode. Fuel lines and struts can be placed one at a time after this bug is triggered. Leaving the VAB and returning removes this bug until the undo button is messed with again. How to reproduce most of the time: 1. Radially attach two decouplers to a FL-T800 methalox tank. 2. Radially attach two FL-T800 methalox tanks to those decouplers. 3. Connect the outer tanks to the inner one with fuel lines or struts in symmetry mode. 4. Play around with undo button for example: hit once, or twice, or delete previous fuel lines and undo, or place a new object and undo that. Bug sometimes occurs after one undo, sometimes it takes a few. 5. Fuel line/struts can no longer be connected between tanks in symmetry mode. I've also ran into this bug using medium methalox tanks and hydrogen ones. Spicat Edit: Exact steps to reproduce: Place a command pod Attach a fuel tank Attach fuel tanks in symmetry Attach struts from the fuel tanks in symmetry to the center tank (struts in symmetry) Select one strut and delete it (with the DEL key, deleting with the left UI is unreliable to reproduce this bug) Undo Try to place a strut in symmetry again See the steps in this video: 2023-12-30 13-50-59.mp4 Additional information: Like you see in the video, even when you create a new workspace, you can't create struts anymore: Workaround: Leave the VAB (like to the KSC) and go back to it
  2. If returning to a save after* closing the game where a rocket is being controlled, "Revert to Launch" or "Revert to VAB" is greyed out and cannot be performed. It happens for me 100% of the time. How to repeat: 1. Start new exploration campaign with "Allow Revert" turned on. I was having this problem on my main save but wanted to reproduce in a new one to eliminate one possible issue on my end. 2. Put a rocket on launch pad or launch it 3. Save game. 4. Close out of game "without saving" or "with saving", it does not have an effect. 5. Load save. 6. Cannot revert. This bug does not occur if saving then loading during the same game session. The game must be closed. Making multiple saves during the launch results in all of them having the bug, it's not just the final save before closing that becomes corrupted. "Allow Revert" in game settings stays in the on position before and after closing the game. If a save is loaded before launching or a new rocket is launched, the option to revert returns. Work around: 1. Put craft in a non-dangerous condition 2. Launch a new craft and wait a few seconds. 3. Ability to revert returns for the original craft.
  3. If a component is selected so it can be placed, MMB can no longer be used to center a view on a component. Part selection has to be canceled so to use MMB for centering, then part reselected. This is inconvenient because the first thing that comes to my mind is that I need X component on my ship, so I select it. It's not until after that I begin to think about where exactly I'm going to place it. As far as I can tell, MMB serves no other function while placing a part. If it does serve a function I'm unaware of, having it be MMB doesn't work out well. Allowing MMB for focusing while placing a part would make building more seamless and enjoyable.
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