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  1. Hi, Kudos @StarCrusher96, this mod looks awesome! I am having trouble making this mod work, it looks amazing and it all seems to be fine, I can see the new system in the tracking station and everything. The problem comes with the solar panels. They no longer have the option to extend or retract, and they do not longer orient towards kerbol. I started a new sandbox game with the base KSS2 install as per instructions in github, and run into this issue. I read in other threads this can be caused by kopernicus. I tried deleting the solarpanels.cfg from kopernicus folder since I found one in the KSS 2 folder, but it did not make a difference. I am using kopernicus 1.12.1-212 and KSS2 1.0.3 and the required / recommended mods by KSS 2. Any ideas?
  2. +1 here, same issue, craft goes to the limit of Kerbin SOI and then snaps back, most times on a descending trajectory and then crashing into Kerbin. I am stuck in the campaign since there is no way to launch a vessel properly. All saves I tried and different crafts are affected. If anyone finds a workaround please post, is not possible to play the campaign or start a new one when you know this may happen at any time. For reference in case this bug is caused by the campaign, I started having this issue after completing the visit to the Duna monument.
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