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Posts posted by Icegrx

  1. 14 minutes ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    Community Managers however were not to blame. A thankless job that was impossible to do, bc the proper tools (info) was not provided or allowed to be released.

    I couldn’t agree more. When I complain about lack of communication, and poor communication. I am in no way blaming @Dakota or @Nerdy_Mike. I couldn’t imagine trying to pull that job off working for a team that had so little to show. Despite this, they both always had a great attitude, and I enjoyed their interactions.  I hope they find another project that has as much enthusiasm throughout the whole team.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    For the same reason that it took months after launch for heat:  they never did any actual work on it.  Keep in mind that the only things they've shown us regarding colonies are models in an editor environment.  No actual gameplay.

    I think we got a few actual gameplay screenshots of a “Colony Space Station” but honestly, it didn’t showcase a single new mechanic. Just new large models attached to an otherwise vanilla craft. Wouldn’t take much work at all, nor did it address any actual mechanics. 

    don’t think we got a single screenshot of a stationary colony ground base in real gameplay, like you said. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    Well how in the hell would MP address something like the physics aspects... would each machine be crunching the whole system. 

    If the game cannot split calcs efficiently between cores how would MP even work without unleashing the Kraken.

    The more I see people break down certain things the more I am convinced that a lack of technical reports to the community is a direct result of nothing to show.

    They absolutely got caught in the act of spewing attention grabbing features without understanding what they were promising. From time warp to physics calculations. Full multiplayer support was never going to happen. 

    This leads one to question the other features they highlighted, and why colonies is/was taking so long with so little to show. Intercept regurgitated a bunch of features that would do well in hype marketing without researching much of anything beforehand. There was little planning put into KSP2. Makes me question the team’s competency. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Pthigrivi said:

    Times up for what though?

    At my job, If I am given a task and tell my boss. “I’ll get to it later” or “I’m still working on it” I can probably get away with it a couple of times. If I continue to do this with showing very limited progress I’m likely to get fired. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    I have no idea how nate behaves to those around him. People have praised him with their comments, but a couple things have put a sour taste in my mouth.

    He’s a good sales guy, and a great PR person, but he shouldn’t be in any management position at all. Even if he had the best intentions all along, the team was clearly mismanaged. I fail to believe the dev team was so incompetent that updates and content took as long  as it did to be delivered. Especially with a couple notable names on the team. Their time was clearly managed improperly. after going through two separate teams with minimal results with the same guy at the helm. I’m blaming him. 

    worse yet, he gets to still have a job, while the rest of his team lost their livelihoods. Great example of someone pretending to be someone they are not. Stick to the art and talking, leave it to someone else for direction and management. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Skorj said:

    my guess is best case we get colonies finished up.  

    I hope I’m wrong, but I highly doubt we are getting colonies. With the little info they showed us, it seems they are way aways off from a playable colonies. Especially without performance optimization

  7. I’m expecting them to quietly sit on this for a few months before coming forward and saying the plug is pulled. 

    I had so much hope and optimism last week, and this week I’m just not feeling it. This game meant little to nothing to them, why should I let it mean something to me.

  8. 16 hours ago, The Aziz said:

    Empathy not detected

    No empathy from me. If I slack off at work and decide to stop working or do a poor job I get fired.

    @Nate Simpson just gets shuffled around and sent to another team. 

    I do have empathy for those who worked under him though. They all lost their jobs and livelihoods.

  9. KSP2 failed because the team lacked the ability to deliver almost all of the promised features and updates. 

    Completely mismanaged project,  where the teams skills were either not utilized properly or they completely lacked the skill altogether. 

    EA was a hobbled together project that lacked any sort of refinement or passion. Even the small details completely overlooked, such as parts of the same size having a different number of faces and not visually matching up. Down to the big core details, such as ferrings doing nothing at all, and maneuver lines disappearing. 

    Update frequency was a joke. It felt like 2-3 people working on this game in their free time, not a full blown studio. When asked for better more frequent communication the team failed again and hid behind the two CMs to deliver their poor excuses and dodge all accountability.

    Zero passion, low effort, deferred accountability. This felt like a school project, where you pick all your friends to work on it with you. Come time for presentation day, you realize that you fooled around the whole time and have nothing to show. 

    If anyone is left in the studio to read this, what on earth were you doing with all of your time? 

  10. 34 minutes ago, TechieV said:

    What‘s your reason?

    Besides the literal disclaimer before you buy an EA. 
    I’m also skeptical trying to pin down “the game is fully funded to 1.0” as a legal statement. Even if they can, what does 1.0 legally mean? They could change the version number tomorrow if they want. How are you going to bind them to these statements, how are you going to define completion? 

    Im skeptical.

    9 minutes ago, dlrk said:

    Neither T2, nor any other developer, can successfully respond to a lawsuit by saying "Judge, it's just a video game".

    No one even mentioned this

  11. 1 minute ago, bcink said:

    Steam can say whatever they want. The representatives for this game literally stated "this game is fully funded through 1.0." We have EVERY cause to pursue legal action.

    Goooooooood luck with that, you’re going to need it 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Meecrob said:

    Layoffs are a part of employment. They 100% suck, but they are definitely not devastating.

    Imagine having a kid who requires a medication/treatment to remain alive. Your insurance covers 70% of the costs, but still costs you $1000-$5000 per medication/treatment out of pocket.

    you live paycheck to paycheck, you lose your job. You file unemployment but your previous employer fights it. You’re now in a weeks/months long debate between unemployment and your previous employer as to if you qualify. 

    this is devastating, and only one scenario out of 1000s of other scenarios that could be equally devastating. 

    this is just not something to argue. You have no idea what situations others are in. You can’t tell someone something is devastating or not to their situation. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    Those are both some hard announcements to hear.  The guy they hired to fix graphical performance is gone, and now one of the CM's is on the way out.  I might actually throw up.

    While it is indeed sad news, I think we will all live without pretty clouds and a weekly challenge. 

    not really critical roles when it comes down to it..

  14. 8 minutes ago, RileyHef said:

    Well, this morning we did learn directly from Dakota and Blackrack that they are looking for other job opportunities, so it seems the internal team likely got news that they are allowed to go public with their employment status and job searches. Seems that we are one step closer to an official announcement about the end of KSP2, though I'm sure there are still plenty of logistics to still work out.

    Where is this information at/from?

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