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  1. I figured out the issue with EVE clouds not working properly: The configs are set in a manner which makes EVE always try to use the volumetric configs, rather than the normal ones. After testing with the normal EVE configs (I moved the Scatterer folder into the main WaterMun directory, and then deleted the volumetric folder since I don't have volumetric EVE to test how to fix that with), there is a small error within the texture config, which makes the clouds not work anyway: name=BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/fair type=TEX_CUBE_2 texN=BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/fairN texP=BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/fairP While it should be: name=WaterMun/EVE/Textures/fair type=TEX_CUBE_2 texN=WaterMun/EVE/Textures/fairN texP=WaterMun/EVE/Textures/fairP Additionally, Contracts and other mechanics which are for The Mun (or at least pre-existing ones) will no longer bind to The Mun, because its template was "Laythe." In order to fix this (I tested to make sure the planet had no obvious issues with this change) set the Template name in the Kopernicus config back to "Mun," and for brownie points, change the Body's name field and display name to "The Mun" like it is in the stock game. Hope this helps!
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